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“Virtuous Woman, God’s Design” (Proverbs 31 Rhyme)

Virtuous Woman, God’s Design,
A wife of noble character divine.
She works with wool and flax all day,
Her family’s needs, she does not delay.

She’s like a merchant’s ship so fine,
Bringing food from faraway lands to dine.
She rises early while it’s still dark,
Prepares the meals with a cheerful heart.

She buys a field and plants a vine,
With her earnings, she’s wise and kind.
Her lamp burns late into the night,
Her hands work hard with all her might.

She helps the poor and those in need,
A generous heart, her good deeds exceed.
Her husband’s respected in the gate,
Of noble character, she is great.

Her children rise and call her blessed,
For in her love and care they rest.
Charm may deceive and beauty fade,
But a woman who fears the Lord, is praised.

Virtuous Woman, God’s Design,
A role model for all womankind.
May we strive to be like her,
And in God’s eyes, His love prefer.

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