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Well, lemme tell ya, folks, you’re gonna be in for a rough time. Folks’ll be givin’ ya a hard time 'cause ya followin’ Jesus. But don’t you fret none! If ya stick with it and keep the faith, yer gonna be saved in the end, even if ya gotta fight tooth and nail for it!

Hillbilly Verse

It’s today’s verse ya’ll!

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Hillbilly Verse of the Day Matthew 10:22!

Well, lemme tell ya, folks, you’re gonna be in for a rough time. Folks’ll be givin’ ya a hard time ’cause ya followin’ Jesus. But don’t you fret none! If ya stick with it and keep the faith, yer gonna be saved in the end, even if ya gotta fight tooth and nail for it!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 10:21!

Well now, y’all gotta remember that the big ol’ fella in the sky, He’s the one who saved our tails and made us His favorite kinfolk. So, you better keep lovin’ Him right good, ‘cause He’s countin’ on ya! Show Him you care, and don’t be slackin’ off, or He might get a mite cranky!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 10:20-21!

Alright, y’all listen up! You gotta hold onto the Good Lord like a coon dog on a raccoon, puttin’ all yer trust in Him. Ye see, He’s the real deal, the Big Boss Man! Ain’t nobody else gonna take care of ya like He does. So sing His praises, y’hear? You’re His favorite, no doubt!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 10:19!

Well, lemme tell ya, when yer yappin’ too much, it ain’t doin’ ya any favors. Folks who blabber on and on just end up makin’ a mess. But those who keep their lips zipped and listen more? They’s the wise ones, sittin’ pretty with all that good sense tucked away like a piggy in a blanket!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Ecclesiastes 10:18!

Well, when ya let them chores pile up, it ain’t long before ya got a mess bigger than a raccoon on a trash can. If folks ain’t workin’ steady, that ol’ roof’ll start saggin’, and next thing ya know, everything’s toppled over like a drunken cowpoke on a Saturday night! Keep at it now, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Proverbs 10:17!

Well now, if ya listen to good ol’ wisdom and don’t go strayin’ down the wrong path, you’re gonna save yer bacon, for sure. But if you’re too busy bein’ a knucklehead, you’ll just find yourself neck-deep in trouble, and ain’t nobody wanna be talkin’ ‘bout that mess! Stay smart, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 10:16!

Well now, y’all listen up! When we chomp down on that bread and sip that grape juice during the good ol’ communion, we’re havin’ a big ol’ shindig with Jesus. It’s like a family reunion ‘round the table, except it ain’t just potluck—it’s divine! So, raise your cups high and give thanks, y’all!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Judges 10:15!

Well, folks, the Israelites were all like, “We done messed up, Lord! We ain’t got no business comin’ atcha, but please, we swear we won’t tick ya off no more!” They was just a bunch of sorry critters, askin’ for forgiveness, hopin’ the good Lord would look past their shenanigans and give ’em another shot.


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Deuteronomy 10:14!

Alright, y’all listen up! The whole dang universe up there, heaven and all, belongs to the Big Guy. He’s got ownership over every critter and every tree, too, just like ol’ Uncle Charlie claims that big ol’ hog of his. Ain’t nobody else got any rights worth spittin’ on. Ya better respect that, ya hear?


Hillbilly Verse of the Day 1 Corinthians 10:13!

Well, lemme tell ya, ain’t nothin’ so tough you can’t handle it. The Good Lord knows our limits, but He won’t let ya get swamped without givin’ ya a way to wiggle outta that tight spot. So when life hands ya a mess, just remember, there’s always a back door, partner! Keep on truckin’!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day Hosea 10:12!

Y’all heard it? Time to plant some good seeds, folks! If y’all wanna reap a heap of blessings, get on your knees and pray right. Don’t be slouchin’ around like a lazy mule! So, let’s dig deep, work hard, and keep our hearts clean, ’cause that’s how we’ll strike gold ’round here!


Hillbilly Verse of the Day John 10:11!

Well now, listen up! Jesus said, “I’m like that good ol’ shepherd, ya know? I ain’t just lookin’ after sheep; I’d lay my life down for ‘em. If them pesky wolves come a-callin’, you bet your boots I’ll be standin’ guard, ‘cause I ain’t lettin’ nuthin’ happen to my flock. Ain’t that a hoot?”