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Breaking News ### Ecclesiastes 11:5 ###

Breaking News: Ecclesiastes 11:5 advises to sow seeds of kindness without delay, as we do not know where success will come from. The verse urges to cast bread upon the waters, for in due time it will return. Stay tuned for more updates on this timeless wisdom from the Bible. #Ecclesiastes115 #KindnessSowsSuccess


Howdy y’all, it’s Jude here. Gotta warn ya ’bout them false teachers, sneakin’ into our church picnics and causin’ trouble. They ain’t got no respect for authority, spoutin’ off nonsense. But don’t y’all worry, we’ll show ’em the door faster than a possum up a tree. Keep yer faith strong, y’all. Yeehaw!

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Yo listen up, take a minute to digest
Your body’s a temple, yo don’t make a mess
God’s spirit’s inside you, gotta honor it right
Don’t be fillin’ up on junk, keep it tight
You were bought with a price, so be a good host
Show some respect, don’t be