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“Start with Wisdom, Never Raze ‘Em” (Proverbs Chapter 1 Rhyme)

Start with Wisdom, Never Raze ‘Em,
Listen to your parents, don’t be brazen.
Fools ignore knowledge, but wise seek it out,
Choose good company, avoid the louts.

The fear of the Lord, the beginning of wisdom,
Don’t listen to sinners, they will lead to a chasm.
Wisdom calls out, but many ignore,
Disaster will come, knocking at your door.

Don’t be tempted by greed, it leads to ruin,
But be generous and kind, and your future will be bloomin’.
The way of the wicked is darkness and pain,
But the path of the just will bring lasting gain.

Discernment and understanding, seek them out,
They will keep you safe, without a doubt.
Listen to your conscience, don’t tune it out,
It will guide you along the righteous route.

Start with Wisdom, Never Raze ‘Em,
It’s the foundation for a life worth livin’.
Trust in the Lord, and his word obey,
And you will find peace, each and every day.

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