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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Nahum!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a voice of vengeance, proclaiming judgment without mercy.
My words strike fear into the hearts of the wicked,
For I see their crimes and declare their punishment.
But though I am harsh in my tone,
My message is one of hope for the oppressed.

My name is not known to all,
But those who study me know the truth about me.
I am not a prophet to be trifled with,
For my visions are of war and destruction.
I see the fall of cities and the death of kings,
And I speak of them with a clarity that cannot be ignored.

But even as I speak of doom and destruction,
I also offer a promise of salvation.
For those who turn from their evil ways,
There is hope of redemption and a better future.

So listen to my words, and heed what I say.
For I am Nahum, and my message is one of truth.

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