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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Malachi!

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A prophecy of old, within it foretold,
Of a messenger coming to pave the way.
Injustice and outcries, the people’s demise,
Their hearts would be softened, so they could obey.

The Lord’s day would come, like a burning sun,
To cleanse and purify all that is impure.
Tithing and offerings, the people would bring,
And blessings in abundance, they would secure.

But the messenger’s name, a mystery it remained,
For centuries, until the appointed time.
John the Baptist was he, who came to set free,
And testify of Christ, the Savior divine.

The final book, in the Old Testament it took,
Malachi, the prophet, whose words still inspire.
Calling for repentance, and a turning from sin,
To prepare for the Lord’s second coming, so dire.

What book am I?

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