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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Haggai!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a prophet, yet I’m not one of the major ones.
I spoke of rebuilding the house of the Lord, not just for funs.
My book is short and sweet, with only two chapters inside.
Yet my words still hold power, with a message that cannot be denied.

My name may sound unique, with a letter repeated twice.
But don’t let that fool you, for my words hold great advice.
My words spoke of a coming glory, where the latter house would be greater.
And my prophesy came true, for the Lord’s temple did become grander.

I may not be as known as Isaiah or Jeremiah, but my message still stands.
To rebuild for the Lord’s glory, and be obedient to his commands.
My words may be short, but they are full of truth and might.
So tell me dear friend, what book am I, shining with holy light?

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