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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Zechariah!

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I am filled with visions and prophecies,
My words have stood the test of time,
I speak of triumphs and tragedies,
And tell of a future divine.

My pages are a mysterious scroll,
With symbols and signs to decode,
I reveal the rise and fall of kings,
And warn of destruction’s abode.

My author is a prophet of old,
A man with a heart of gold,
Who spoke truth to a broken people,
And watched their faith unfold.

My name is not spoken as much,
But my message is profound,
My words are a beacon of hope,
For a world that has lost its sound.

What book am I from the Bible,
That speaks of a coming Messiah,
Whose words are a balm to the weary,
And deliverance to the captive liar?

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