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Resisting the materialistic pressures of the holiday season

As adults, the holiday season can bring immense pressure to overspend and keep up with materialistic expectations. It’s important to resist the urge to splurge on unnecessary gifts and instead focus on meaningful experiences and quality time with loved ones. By practicing mindful spending and setting boundaries, we can break free from the consumerist mindset and find true joy in the season.


The Blessing of Companionship: Pets as Gifts from God

Young children can benefit greatly from the companionship of a pet. Whether it’s a loyal dog or a friendly cat, pets teach kids about responsibility, empathy, and unconditional love. Studies have shown that children who grow up with pets tend to have higher self-esteem and improved social skills. Pets truly are a blessing from God for young children.


Honoring God with our finances through joyful giving

As adults, we have a responsibility to honor God with our finances, including giving cheerfully to our church and tithing faithfully. When we give joyfully, we are acknowledging God’s provision and sovereignty over our lives. It is a way to express gratitude and trust in God’s plan for our finances and demonstrate our commitment to the work of the church.


Seeking Gods Wisdom in Academic Decision Making

In the competitive world of academia, students often seek guidance from various sources to excel in their studies. One often overlooked source of wisdom is the divine. By seeking God’s wisdom in academic decision making, teens can tap into a higher power for guidance and support. This article explores the benefits of incorporating spiritual guidance into one’s academic journey.


Growing in Character through Completing Chores

Completing chores is an essential aspect of a child’s development, as it helps them build character and responsibility. By assigning age-appropriate tasks, children can learn the value of contributing to the household and develop essential life skills. Encouraging children to take on chores can empower them to become independent and capable individuals as they grow.


Honoring God with Your Body

As a teen, it’s important to remember that our bodies are a gift from God and should be treated with respect. In 1 Corinthians 6, we are reminded that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. This means honoring God with our choices, including how we dress, act, and take care of ourselves physically. Let’s strive to glorify God with our bodies.


Choosing Gods Way Over the Worlds Ways

In 1 Corinthians 6, the Bible teaches us to choose God’s way over the world’s ways. This important lesson is crucial for young children as they grow and navigate their way through life. Teaching them the values and principles of God’s way will help set a strong foundation for their future, guiding them towards a life filled with love, joy, and peace.


Waiting on Gods Timing for Relationships

Are you tired of waiting for the right relationship to come along? Trust in God’s perfect timing when it comes to finding a partner. As adults, we can often feel the pressure to settle down, but it’s important to remember that God has a plan for each of us. Embrace this season of singleness and have faith that the right person will come into your life at the perfect time.


Creating a Living Will: Honoring Gods Plan for End of Life Care

As seniors, it’s important to consider end-of-life care options and create a living will that aligns with our values and beliefs. By honoring God’s plan for end-of-life care, we can ensure that our wishes are respected and our loved ones are not burdened with difficult decisions. Learn how to create a living will that reflects your faith and values.


Honoring Your Father and Mother

As a teen, it’s important to remember the commandment to honor your father and mother. While it may not always be easy, showing respect to your parents is crucial for building a strong and healthy relationship with them. Take the time to listen to their advice, communicate openly, and show gratitude for all they do for you.