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“Stay faithful & true, avoid forbidden fruit” (Proverbs 7 Temptation Rhyme)

Stay faithful and true, avoid forbidden fruit,
Lest your heart and soul follow a sinful pursuit.
For the temptress is sly, and her words are sweet,
But her path leads to death, and under her feet
Is the road to hell, where the wicked reside,
So keep your distance, and let her promises slide.

She roams at night, seeking those who wander,
And with her seductive words seeks to squander
Their honor and reputation, their dignity too,
All in the name of pleasure, that’s all she’ll pursue.
So stay vigilant, and keep your eyes fixed,
On your path and your purpose, and never be tricked.

Her house is full of treasures, and her bed is soft,
But her intentions are evil, and her heart is aloft.
Don’t be lured by her beauty or her charm,
For her embrace will bring nothing but harm.
Stay faithful and true, to your spouse and your God,
And you’ll find a life of peace, not a life that’s flawed.

In the end, she will be exposed, and her deeds will be seen,
And her shame and disgrace will be her only glean.
But you, who stayed faithful and true,
Will be blessed by the Lord, and all that you do.
So stay on the straight and narrow, and never be swayed,
By the temptations of the world, or the price to be paid.

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