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“Righteousness brings life and wealth, trust in God for your health.” (Proverbs 12 Faith Rhyme)

"Righteousness brings life and wealth,
trust in God for your health."
The tongue of the wise brings healing and grace,
but the mouth of the foolish brings disgrace.
Lazy hands will bring poverty and strife,
but hard work leads to a better life.
The righteous care for their animal friends,
but the wicked’s heart always descends.
The words of the wicked hide their deceit,
but the godly live with honest speech.
The wicked are trapped in their own lies,
but the righteous find freedom and rise.
A wise man listens and learns in his quest,
but a fool ignores, failing the test.
The wicked seek evil and darkness,
but the righteous are a shining brightness.
The wicked fall by their own wicked ways,
but the righteous stand firm all their days.
Diligence brings wealth and prosperity,
but laziness leads to poverty and adversity.
The righteous know how to speak with grace,
but the wicked’s words are a disgrace.
The wise listen to correction and grow,
but fools hate it and refuse to know.
The righteous guide with love and care,
but the wicked lead to danger and despair.

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