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Great wisdom for life’s terrain, Proverbs 18: gain (Proverbs 18 Rhyme)

Great wisdom for life’s terrain,
Proverbs 18: gain.

A fool’s mouth gets himself in strife,
But wisdom brings a fruitful life.

The words we speak can bring us down,
Or lift us up and make us sound.

The name of the Lord towers high,
A refuge where his people lie.

The gift of wealth may seem so great,
But righteousness will be your fate.

A friend in need is a friend indeed,
One who sticks by you in every deed.

The words of a talebearer stir up strife,
Avoid such talk, it’s not worth your life.

A lazy man is filled with despair,
But hard work brings a fruitful share.

The tongue has power, like a sword,
Choose your words with great accord.

He who finds a wife finds a good thing,
A companion who’ll make his heart sing.

A man’s gift will bring him before the great,
And open doors, he’ll have a high estate.

So seek wisdom, and seek the Lord,
And riches will come as your reward.

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