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“Choose your words with care, be wise and fair” (Proverbs 16 Communication Rhyme)

Choose your words with care, be wise and fair,
For a gentle answer can calm despair.

The Lord weighs our motives, He knows our hearts,
So let honesty guide our every part.

Pride comes before a fall, don’t be too bold,
Stay humble, let wisdom take a hold.

Making plans is good, but God’s will is best,
Trust in Him, and you’ll find perfect rest.

A person’s ways seem right, but God sees through,
So seek His guidance in all that you do.

Good deeds bring reward, let kindness reign,
For a little love can ease much pain.

The wise learn from correction, they don’t resist,
And in their knowledge they will always persist.

Patience is golden, don’t rush ahead,
For timing is crucial, as it’s often said.

Wisdom is a fountain, it’s always near,
So seek its treasure, and have no fear.

Honoring the Lord brings true success,
So follow His ways, and you’ll be truly blessed.

Choose your words with care, be wise and fair,
And the path of life you’ll always bear.

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