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“Choose wisdom, not folly, to live holy” (Proverbs 23 Wisdom Rhyme)

Choose wisdom, not folly, to live holy,
For riches and feasts can lead to folly.
Don’t envy sinners or their gains,
Their end is destruction and pains.

Discipline your children with love and care,
For they will lead your heart to despair.
Keep your heart clean from lust and greed,
For they will only cause you to bleed.

Listen to the wise and humble in heart,
Their words are like honey, sweet and tart.
Don’t be a glutton or a drunkard at all,
For they will make you stumble and fall.

Stand up for the poor and oppressed,
And let justice and mercy be your best.
Don’t be fooled by the flattery of men,
For their hearts are deceitful and vain.

Guard your heart and your tongue with care,
For they will lead you to either joy or despair.
Choose wisdom, not folly, to live holy,
And your life will be blessed and lovely.

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