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The Breastplate of Righteousness – Protecting Our Hearts and Actions

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: The Breastplate of Righteousness – Protecting Our Hearts and Actions

Bible Verse: “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.” – Ephesians 6:11


Hello, young friends! Today, we’re going to talk about the armor of God and how we can protect our hearts and actions with the breastplate of righteousness.

Just like a knight wears armor to protect himself in a battle, God gives us spiritual armor to protect us from the bad things in the world. One important part of this armor is the breastplate of righteousness. The breastplate covers our hearts and helps us to do the right things and make good choices.

What is righteousness? Righteousness means doing what is right in God’s eyes. It means being kind, honest, and obedient to our parents. It means choosing to follow God’s ways instead of our own selfish desires.

Just like a breastplate protects a knight’s heart, righteousness protects our hearts from being filled with bad things. When we choose to do what is right, we are protecting ourselves from things like lying, being mean to others, and disobeying our parents.

When we wear the breastplate of righteousness, we are showing that we are on God’s team and that we want to do things his way. And just like a knight needs to keep his armor on at all times in a battle, we need to always have our breastplate of righteousness on to protect our hearts and actions.

Let’s pray and ask God to help us put on the breastplate of righteousness every day and protect our hearts and actions.

Dear God, thank you for giving us the armor of God to help us in this world. Help us to always choose what is right and to protect our hearts from bad things. Help us to be righteous and follow your ways. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Remember, we can protect our hearts and actions by putting on the breastplate of righteousness and choosing to do what is right in God’s eyes. God is always with us, helping us to do what is right. Let’s always wear our spiritual armor and be strong in the Lord! Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” by George Duffield
2. “This Little Light of Mine” by Harry Dixon Loes
3. “The Armor of God” by Jamie Soles
4. “Put on the Full Armor” by Seeds Family Worship

Questions for Lesson

1. How does the breastplate of righteousness protect our hearts and actions as Christians?
2. Why is it important for young children to understand and wear the full armor of God?
3. How can we apply the concept of the breastplate of righteousness to our daily lives?
4. What does Ephesians 6:14 teach about the armor of God and its significance for believers?
5. What are some practical ways in which we can put on the breastplate of righteousness in our interactions with others?
6. In what ways do you think the breastplate of righteousness can help you to stand firm against spiritual attacks and temptations?


1. Ephesians 6:14 – “Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness,”
2. Proverbs 4:23 – “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
3. Romans 13:12 – “The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light.”
4. 1 Thessalonians 5:8 – “But since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet.”
5. Isaiah 59:17 – “He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on the garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak.”

Object Lesson

Props needed:
– A toy breastplate or a cardboard cutout of a breastplate
– A toy shield or a cardboard cutout of a shield
– A play sword or a cardboard cutout of a sword
– A heart-shaped object (can be a toy heart, a heart-shaped pillow, or a heart-shaped piece of paper)

Start by showing the children the breastplate and explaining that in the Bible, it talks about putting on the “breastplate of righteousness” to protect our hearts and actions. You can use the shield to demonstrate how the breastplate covers and protects our heart, just like the breastplate of righteousness protects our hearts from evil.

Next, explain that our actions are like fighting in a battle, and just like a soldier uses a sword to fight, we can use the sword of God’s word to make good choices and do the right thing.

Then, hold up the heart-shaped object and talk about how it represents our heart and our inner thoughts and feelings. Explain that when we put on the breastplate of righteousness and use the sword of God’s word, we are protecting our hearts and making good choices in our actions.

Finally, encourage the children to practice putting on the breastplate of righteousness by making good choices and doing the right thing in their daily lives. You can also have the children take turns wearing the breastplate, shield, and sword while discussing the importance of protecting our hearts and actions with the armor of God.

This hands-on illustration will help young children understand the concept of the breastplate of righteousness and how it can protect their hearts and actions in a practical and age-appropriate way.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: Making a Paper Breastplate of Righteousness

– Construction paper in various colors
– Scissors
– Glue or tape
– Markers or crayons
– Ribbon or string

1. Before starting the craft, briefly explain to the children the significance of the breastplate of righteousness in the Armor of God, and how it protects our hearts and actions.

2. Give each child a piece of construction paper and have them cut out a large oval shape to represent the breastplate.

3. Next, have the children cut out smaller shapes from different colored construction paper to represent the different pieces of the breastplate (e.g. the shoulder straps, the belt, etc.).

4. Using markers or crayons, have the children decorate their breastplate pieces with symbols of righteousness, such as a cross, a heart, or the word “righteousness”.

5. Once the pieces are decorated, help the children assemble their breastplate by gluing or taping the smaller shapes onto the larger oval.

6. Finally, punch holes in the top of the breastplate and tie a piece of ribbon or string through the holes so that the breastplate can be worn like a necklace.

7. As the children finish their breastplates, have them share with the rest of the class what symbols of righteousness they chose to include and why.

This craft not only reinforces the lesson on the breastplate of righteousness but also allows the children to create a physical reminder of the concept to take home with them.


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