Title: Guarding Your Mind with the Helmet of Salvation
Lesson Objective: To teach young children the importance of protecting their minds with the helmet of salvation as a part of the armor of God.
Hello, boys and girls! Today, we are going to learn about the helmet of salvation. In our last lesson, we talked about the armor of God, and how it helps us to stand strong against the tricks of the devil. Just like a helmet protects our heads in football or when we ride our bikes, the helmet of salvation helps to protect our minds from bad thoughts and feelings.
The Helmet of Salvation:
The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:17 that the helmet of salvation is an important part of the armor of God. The helmet protects our minds and thoughts, just like a real helmet protects our heads. When we believe in Jesus and accept Him as our Savior, we have the assurance of salvation. This means that we are saved from sin and have a place in heaven with God.
Guarding Our Minds:
Just like we wear helmets to protect our heads, we need to guard our thoughts and minds with the helmet of salvation. When we know that Jesus loves us and has saved us, we can use that knowledge to protect our minds from bad thoughts and feelings. When we are tempted to think or do something that goes against God’s Word, we can remember that we belong to Jesus and choose to think and act in a way that pleases Him.
Let’s take a moment to thank God for the helmet of salvation and ask Him to help us guard our minds from anything that is not pleasing to Him.
Remember, boys and girls, the helmet of salvation is an important part of the armor of God. When we trust in Jesus and His love for us, we can protect our minds and thoughts from anything that tries to lead us away from God. So, let’s put on our helmets of salvation and stand strong in our faith! Thank you for joining me today, and I can’t wait to see you next time. God bless you!