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Question: Are we supposed to forgive family members who wronged us? (Amish)


In the Amish community, forgiveness is highly valued and considered an essential part of our faith. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors as ourselves, which includes our family members. The Bible tells us to forgive those who have wronged us, no matter how difficult it may be, to show love and compassion towards them.

However, forgiveness does not mean forgetting or ignoring the wrongs that have been done to us. We must acknowledge the harm that has been caused, and seek to reconcile with those who have hurt us. This may involve having difficult conversations, expressing our feelings and working towards finding a resolution.

In some cases, forgiveness may also involve setting healthy boundaries with family members who continue to cause harm or refuse to change their behavior. This can be done out of love and respect for both ourselves and the other person, and can ultimately lead to a more peaceful and positive relationship.

Overall, forgiveness is a vital part of the Amish faith and is seen as a way to show love and compassion towards our family members, even when they have wronged us. By acknowledging the harm and seeking reconciliation, we can work towards healing and restoring our relationships with those we love.

Viewpoint: Amish
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