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Question: does science support the story of noahs ark? (Atheist)


From a scientific standpoint, the story of Noah’s Ark does not have substantial evidence to support it. The idea that all the species of animals on Earth could fit onto a single boat is not feasible. Even if we assume that the dimensions given in the Bible were accurate, there would not have been enough space to accommodate all species, let alone the food and water they would require.

Moreover, the story contradicts what we know from scientific evidence about the age of the Earth and the history of the planet. The story suggests that the entire Earth was flooded, but geological and fossil records indicate that such a global flood did not occur.

Additionally, there is no archaeological evidence to suggest that a massive flood took place in the Middle East during the time period when the Bible suggests the story of Noah’s Ark took place. While there are flood myths from different cultures around the world, there is no evidence to support a literal interpretation of the story of Noah’s Ark.

Overall, science does not support the idea of Noah’s Ark as a historical event. While the story may hold religious significance for some, it is not a scientifically valid explanation of the history of the Earth and its living creatures.

Viewpoint: Atheist
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