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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Colossians!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a letter, but not just any ordinary letter,
I am full of wisdom and knowledge, just like a scholar or mentor.
Some may say I am difficult to comprehend,
But those who take the time to understand me will find a treasure at the end.

I speak of humility, love, and righteousness,
Of Christ, his sacrifice, and the glory of his likeness.
I remind you of your identity in him,
And urge you to put off the old and put on the new within.

I am a message of hope and grace,
Of unity and steadfastness in the faith.
I am a gift from God to all who believe,
A guide to a life that is pleasing and free.

So tell me, what am I?
A puzzle for the wise and curious minds,
A gem of truth that can transform lives,
I am the book of Colossians, a treasure worth finding.

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