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Level 10 Bible Riddle for 3 John!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a letter, but not just any letter,
For I am part of a greater whole,
My author was a friend of the brethren,
And through me, his love did flow.

I speak of truth and love and grace,
Of hospitality and good deeds,
Of Diotrephes and Demetrius,
And so much more that still succeeds.

But I am the shortest of my kind,
And yet my message is profound,
For in my verses you will find,
The love of God that knows no bound.

So tell me, riddle me this,
What book of the Bible am I?
For though my length is but a twist,
My impact reaches to the sky.

The answer is the book of 3 John from the Bible.

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