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How Catholics and Agnostic / Seculars view Incest

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Catholic View:
Incest is considered a sin by the Catholic Church. The Church teaches that sexual relations between family members are forbidden by natural law and are contrary to the dignity of the human person. The Code of Canon Law prohibits marriage between close relatives, and those who engage in incestuous relationships are subject to excommunication.

Agnostic/Secular View:
The agnostic/secular view on incest varies, but it is generally not necessarily viewed as a sin or immoral behavior. Many people would find incest to be morally repugnant, and it is illegal in most countries. There are a few reasons why incest is generally frowned upon in secular societies. One of the main reasons is that it often involves a power imbalance, where one family member has more influence over the other. Additionally, incest can increase the likelihood of genetic disorders in offspring.

Bible Verses About Incest

The Bible does not condone incest, and it is regarded as a serious sin. It is important to seek guidance from religious leaders and counseling professionals to properly address and prohibit such acts.

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