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Wisdom flows like a gentle stream, Avoiding folly is every man’s dream. (Proverbs 14 Words of Wisdom Rhyme)

Wisdom flows like a gentle stream,
Avoiding folly is every man’s dream.
Choose your words with care and grace,
And you’ll find success in every place.

The wicked turn from God’s command,
But righteous paths they understand.
Fools use their mouths to spread deceit,
While wisdom’s words bring truth complete.

Hard work brings wealth, it’s no surprise,
But laziness leads to empty skies.
A wise heart knows its own deep pains,
While fools indulge in sinful gains.

Hate stirs up strife, love seeks peace,
Fools belittle, wise words release.
The simple believe all they hear,
But wisdom investigates to clear.

The wise man’s crown is his knowledge,
While fools parade their empty pledge.
Evil bows to the good man’s door,
But wrongdoers face a battle galore.

Wisdom flows like a gentle stream,
Avoiding folly is every man’s dream.
Choose your words with care and grace,
And you’ll find success in every place.

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