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“Live wisely, don’t be a fool, follow these rules” (Proverbs Wisdom Rhyme)

Live wisely, don’t be a fool, follow these rules,
Don’t envy the wicked, they’re just acting like fools,
Build up your house, with wisdom as your tool,
For a wise man’s heart is a treasure, don’t be a fool.

Don’t scheme against others or judge them with malice,
For the Lord sees and knows all, His justice is flawless,
Lazy hands bring poverty, work with diligence,
And the reward will come, with God’s providence.

Don’t delight in evil, it’s not worth the cost,
And don’t mock the afflicted, their pain is not lost,
Seek truth and knowledge, don’t be content with dross,
For wisdom is sweet, like honey from the comb.

If your enemy falls, don’t gloat or rejoice,
For the Lord sees and defends the righteous voice,
Don’t fret about evildoers, their end is their choice,
And trust in the Lord, He’ll give you reason to rejoice.

So live wisely, don’t be a fool, follow these rules,
And the Lord will bless you, with wisdom as your tool,
For a wise man’s heart is a treasure, don’t be a fool,
And with God’s guidance, you’ll never be a fool.

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