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Using your gifts for the glory of God

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Using Your Gifts for the Glory of God: Taking Initiative

Bible Verse: “Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others.” – Philippians 2:4


Hello, children! Today we will talk about something very important. It’s about using your gifts and talents for the glory of God. But how can we do that? By taking initiative!

What is initiative? It means taking action without being told to do so. It’s like seeing something that needs to be done and doing it without waiting for someone else to tell you. We can use our gifts and talents to serve others and bring glory to God by taking initiative.

Let’s look at some examples:

1. If you have a talent for singing, you can take the initiative to sing praises to God during worship. You can also visit a nursing home or hospital and sing for the patients.

2. If you have a gift for drawing, you can take the initiative to draw pictures for those who are sick or going through a hard time. You can make cards for them to encourage them and remind them that God loves them.

3. If you like to help people, you can take the initiative to volunteer in your church or community. You can help with cleaning the church, setting up decorations, or serving food to those in need.

4. If you are good at making people laugh, you can take the initiative to bring joy to others by telling jokes or making funny videos. You can also use your gift to cheer up someone who is sad or feeling down.

Remember, God has given each one of us gifts and talents to use for His glory. We shouldn’t wait for someone else to tell us what to do. We should take initiative and find ways to use our gifts to serve and bless others. By doing so, we bring glory to God and show others His love.

Let’s pray: Dear God, thank you for giving us gifts and talents. Help us to take initiative and use them to serve others and bring glory to your name. Amen.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Every Move I Make” by Hillsong Kids
2. “My God is So Big” by VeggieTales
3. “This Little Light of Mine” by Cedarmont Kids
4. “Jesus Loves Me” by Chris Tomlin

Questions for Lesson

1. How can you use your gifts for the glory of God and take initiative in serving others?
2. What are some examples of taking initiative in sharing the gospel with friends and family?
3. What does the Bible teach about servant leadership and taking initiative?
4. How can taking initiative in your daily life help you grow in your faith and trust in God?
5. What are some possible challenges that may come with taking initiative and serving others in the name of Jesus Christ?
6. According to the lesson on taking initiative, what can we learn about God’s love and purpose for our lives?


1 Peter 4:10-11
Romans 12:6-8
Ephesians 2:10
1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Matthew 25:14-30
Colossians 3:23-24
1 Timothy 4:14-16
James 1:17-18
Proverbs 18:16
Hebrews 2:4

Object Lesson


1. A toy train set
2. Small gift boxes wrapped in colorful paper
3. A Bible
4. A sparkly crown

How to present the illustration:

1. Begin by introducing the concept of using our gifts for the glory of God. Ask the children if they know what it means to have a gift or talent, and what they think it means to use it for God’s glory.

2. Show the children the toy train set, and explain that just like the train set has different pieces that work together to make it move, God has given each of us special gifts and talents to use for His purposes.

3. Ask for a volunteer to come up and choose a gift box. Encourage them to open it and share what gift they see inside. Ask them if they know how they might use that gift to serve God.

4. Read a verse from the Bible that talks about using our gifts, such as 1 Peter 4:10.

5. Show the children the sparkly crown, and explain that just as royalty wear crowns, we also have a special role to play in God’s kingdom. Encourage them to think about how they might use their gifts to serve God and others.

6. Close by reminding the children that using our gifts for God’s glory requires initiative – we have to take the first step and use them. Encourage the children to be brave and bold in using their gifts to serve God, and pray together that each child would discover and use their gifts for His glory.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: DIY Prayer Journals

Lesson Tie-in: Taking initiative by using your gift of creativity to deepen your prayer life and bring glory to God.

– Small, blank journals (one per child)
– Decorative paper (scrapbook paper or construction paper)
– Glue or glue sticks
– Scissors
– Markers or pens
– Stickers or other embellishments (optional)

1. Explain to the children that one way they can use their gifts for God’s glory is by taking initiative in their prayer life. Encourage them to create their own personalized prayer journals as a tool for deepening their relationship with God.
2. Provide each child with a blank journal and a variety of decorative paper options.
3. Assist the children in cutting and gluing their chosen paper onto the cover of their journal.
4. Encourage the children to use markers or pens to write their name and any other words or bible verses that inspire them.
5. Let the children decorate their journal covers with stickers or other embellishments if desired.
6. Encourage the children to use their new prayer journals to write down their prayers and reflect on their relationship with God.

Optional: Before or after completing the craft, discuss with the children how they can demonstrate initiative in their prayer life by setting aside dedicated time each day to pray, sharing their prayer requests with others, and seeking opportunities to serve and glorify God.

Note: This craft can be adapted for children of varying ages and skill levels by adjusting the complexity of the design and the materials used.


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