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The Parable of the Sower: Planting Faith in Young Hearts

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: The Parable of the Sower: Planting Faith in Young Hearts

Good morning, boys and girls! Today, we are going to learn about an amazing story that Jesus told called “The Parable of the Sower.” This story teaches us about the importance of having faith in God and how we can grow our faith in our hearts. Let’s begin!

Bible Verse:
“He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” – Matthew 13:9 (NKJV)

Story Time:
Imagine Jesus sitting on a hillside, surrounded by a big crowd of people, including children like you. Jesus loved teaching people about God’s kingdom in a way they could easily understand. So, He told them a story, just like we do when we want to share a special lesson. Are you ready to hear the story?

The Parable of the Sower:
Once upon a time, Jesus started telling a story about a sower who went out to plant seeds. The sower took some seeds and scattered them on different types of grounds.

1. The Path – Hard Hearts:
Some seeds fell along the path, but the birds quickly came and ate them up. These seeds couldn’t grow because the ground was hard. Jesus explained that this represents people who hear God’s word but don’t understand it. The devil tries to take away the word from their hearts.

Lesson: We should always be willing to learn God’s Word and keep our hearts open to Him. Let’s not let the devil take away our love for Jesus.

2. Rocky Ground – Short-lived Faith:
Other seeds fell on rocky ground, where there wasn’t enough soil. They sprouted quickly but withered away because there weren’t any roots to hold them firmly. Jesus explained that this represents people who hear God’s Word and feel happy for a while but quickly lose interest when troubles come.

Lesson: We must nurture our faith by praying, reading the Bible, and obeying God’s Word, even when life gets tough. Our faith will help us stand strong like a tree with deep roots.

3. Thorns – Distracted Hearts:
Some seeds fell among thorns, which grew alongside them and choked the plants. Jesus explained that this represents people who hear God’s Word but get distracted by worries, wealth, and wanting other things. These things can prevent them from growing their faith.

Lesson: Let’s remember that having a strong faith means putting God first in our lives. We should trust Him to take care of our needs, just like He takes care of the flowers and birds.

4. Good Soil – Growing Faith:
Finally, some seeds fell on good soil, and they grew and produced a rich harvest. Jesus explained that this represents people who hear God’s Word, understand it, and allow it to grow in their hearts. Their faith in Jesus grows stronger, and they produce fruit, like love, joy, kindness, and forgiveness.

Lesson: Let’s strive to be like the good soil—receptive, ready to grow, and excited about serving God. We can do this by listening to His Word, praying, and showing His love to others every day.

Jesus’ parable teaches us that we should be like the good soil, where God’s Word can grow and flourish. By nourishing our faith through prayer, reading the Bible, and obeying God’s commandments, we can become strong in our love for Jesus. Remember, God wants to plant a beautiful, growing faith in your heart. Let’s be ready to receive it and share His love with others.

Closing Prayer:
Dear God, thank you for teaching us about the Parable of the Sower. Help us be like the good soil, so our faith can grow and produce fruit for your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Remember, God loves you all very much! Have a blessed day, little ones!

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “This Little Light of Mine” – Popular among young children, this upbeat song encourages them to shine their light for Jesus, emphasizing the importance of nurturing faith from a young age.

2. “The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock” – This catchy tune teaches children the importance of building their faith on a solid foundation, drawing from the parable’s lesson about the wise man who built his house on the rock.

3. “Deep and Wide” – This lively song with simple lyrics is perfect for young children learning about the parable. It compares Jesus’ love to a well that is deep and wide, emphasizing the need to plant and nurture faith.

4. “Hallelu, Hallelu” – A joyful and interactive song that engages children in clapping and singing along. With its easy-to-remember lyrics, it can reinforce the lesson of sowing seeds of faith and praising God throughout their lives.

Questions for Lesson

1. How does the Parable of the Sower teach us about the importance of having receptive hearts to God’s Word?
2. Can you think of a time when you heard God’s Word and it had a positive impact on your life?
3. In the Parable of the Sower, what does the different types of soil symbolize?
4. According to Matthew 13, what does it mean to sow seeds in good soil?
5. Can you explain why it’s important for us to understand the meaning of the Parables in the Bible?
6. How can we apply the lessons from Matthew 13 to our own lives as young Christians?


– Matthew 13:1-9
– Mark 4:1-9
– Luke 8:4-8
– Matthew 13:18-23
– Mark 4:13-20
– Luke 8:11-15
– Matthew 13:23
– Mark 4:20
– Luke 8:15
– James 1:22

Object Lesson

Title: The Parable of the Sower: Planting Faith in Young Hearts

Props needed:
1. Different types of soil: A tray or container filled with sand, rocks, thorns, and fertile soil.
2. Seeds: Small packets of seeds, varying in size and type.
3. Watering can or spray bottle.
4. Gardening tools: Small shovel, rake, and trowel.
5. Small potted plant or sapling representing faith.
6. Picture cards: Laminated pictures representing different scenarios (e.g., happy family, helping someone, studying, playing).

1. Begin by gathering the children around a table with all the props placed within reach.
2. Introduce the Parable of the Sower, explaining that Jesus taught this story to help people understand how different hearts respond to God’s word.
3. Show the different types of soil (sand, rocks, thorns, fertile soil) and briefly explain their significance:
– Sand: Represents a hard or indifferent heart that doesn’t prioritize God’s word.
– Rocks: Symbolizes a heart that may initially receive God’s word with joy but quickly forgets or gives up when facing challenges.
– Thorns: Represents a heart that lets worldly desires and distractions overcome the message of God’s word.
– Fertile Soil: Signifies a heart that receives and maintains God’s word, allowing it to grow and produce a fruitful life.
4. Hold up the seed packets, explaining that they represent God’s word. Emphasize that just as seeds need good soil to grow, our hearts need to be receptive to God’s word.
5. Ask for volunteers to come forward and distribute each type of soil to different children, encouraging them to examine it.
6. Proceed to distribute the seed packets, emphasizing that God’s word is being sown in their hearts. Encourage the children to think about which type of soil their heart represents.
7. Using the gardening tools, have the children plant the seeds in the designated soil, discussing the challenges each type of soil presents for the seeds’ growth.
8. Share how proper care, watering, and nurturing are necessary for the seeds to grow. Use the watering can or spray bottle to demonstrate how watering symbolizes the act of reading the Bible, praying, and spending time with God.
9. Once the seeds are planted, bring attention to the picture cards and explain that they represent different situations they may encounter in life.
10. Role-play various scenarios, selecting children to pick out a picture card and share how they would respond to that situation based on the seed they planted in their hearts. Encourage the participation of all children.
11. Conclude by bringing out the small potted plant or sapling representing faith, explaining that when our hearts are fertile soil, we can bear fruits of faith, love, and kindness.
12. Reinforce the importance of continuously tending to our hearts by staying connected to God’s word, prayer, and fellowship.
13. Offer closing remarks, a simple prayer, and allow the children to take the planted seeds home as a reminder to nurture their hearts with God’s truth.

Note: Ensure that the props are age-appropriate and avoid small parts that could present a choking hazard for younger children.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: Seed Packets and Planting Prayer Flowers

Objective: To help young evangelical Christian children understand and remember the lesson on “The Parable of the Sower: Planting Faith in Young Hearts” found in Matthew 13. This craft will allow them to create seed packets representing different types of soil and plant prayer flowers, symbolizing the importance of nurturing faith in their own hearts.

– Colored construction paper or cardstock
– Scissors
– Glue stick or glue dots
– Markers or coloring pencils
– Flower-shaped cutouts (available online or create your own template)
– Seeds (flower seeds, vegetable seeds, or any seeds suitable for planting in your region)
– Small plastic bags or envelopes
– Stapler (optional)
– Hole punch (optional)
– Yarn or ribbon (optional)


1. Introduction (2 minutes):
Begin the lesson by reading or summarizing the Parable of the Sower from Matthew 13. Emphasize the importance of having hearts that are fertile ground for God’s Word to take root.

2. Seed Packet Creation (3 minutes):
– Give each child a piece of construction paper or cardstock. Ask them to fold it in half widthwise (hamburger fold).
– Help the children cut along the folded edge, creating a rectangular shape.
– On the front of the rectangle, instruct the children to write or draw the word “Seed Packet” and decorate it as desired.
– On the back of the rectangle, guide the children to divide it into four smaller sections by drawing two vertical lines and one horizontal line. Label each section with the following soil types from the parable: “Path,” “Rocky Ground,” “Thorns,” and “Good Soil.”

3. Seed Sorting and Packaging (2 minutes):
– Provide the children with a variety of seeds and explain each type briefly (ex: sunflowers, carrots, beans, etc.).
– Allow the children to sort the seeds and place a few of each type in different sections of their seed packets, according to the corresponding soil type from the parable.
– Help them seal the seed packets using glue, glue dots, stapler, or even yarn/ribbon (optional).

4. Planting Prayer Flowers (3 minutes):
– Distribute the flower-shaped cutouts to each child.
– Instruct them to write or draw something they want to pray for or a way they can nurture faith in their hearts on each petal.
– Children can also choose to write or draw this aspect on a separate small piece of paper and glue it onto the petal.
– After completing their prayers/ideas on each petal, help them glue or staple them together to create a flower shape.
– Punch a hole in the center of the flower if desired.

5. Conclusion and Discussion (1 minute):
– Gather the children back together and ask them to share what they have learned today about the Parable of the Sower and planting faith in their hearts.
– Highlight the importance of regularly nurturing their faith through prayer, reading the Bible, and surrounding themselves with a supportive Christian community.
– Encourage children to take their seed packets and prayer flowers home, reminding them of the choices they can make to cultivate a “good soil” heart for God’s Word.

Note: To extend the craft, you may consider incorporating a real-life gardening experience, encouraging children to plant their prayer flowers in a small pot or garden to remind them of the importance of nurturing their faith regularly.

Remember, always supervise young children when using scissors or other potentially dangerous materials.


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