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The Wages of Sin

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: The Wages of Sin

Objective: To understand the consequences of sin and the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, as described in Romans 6:23.

Introduction: Sin is a reality in our lives, and it separates us from God. The Bible says that the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ. In this lesson, we will explore what this means and how we can experience the gift of salvation.


1. The wages of sin is death: Sin has consequences, and the ultimate consequence is death. This is not only physical death, but also eternal separation from God. Romans 3:23 states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Therefore, we all deserve death as a result of our sin.

2. The gift of God is eternal life: Despite our sinful nature, God loves us and wants to save us. He sent his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross for our sins and to offer us eternal life. John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

3. Accepting the gift of salvation: Salvation is a free gift from God, but it must be accepted by faith. We cannot earn it through good works or personal merit. Ephesians 2:8-9 states, “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.”


Sin has consequences, and the ultimate consequence is death. However, God offers us eternal life through Jesus Christ. This gift of salvation is available to all who believe and accept it by faith. As we live our lives, let us remember the price that Jesus paid for our salvation and let us live in gratitude for the gift of eternal life.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. Amazing Grace – This song is a classic hymn that speaks to the theme of redemption and forgiveness. It reminds us that even though we are sinners, God’s grace is greater than our sin.

2. Jesus Paid It All – This song is a great reminder that Jesus paid the penalty of our sin on the cross. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing our sin and accepting the sacrifice of Jesus as payment for it.

3. Cornerstone – This song is a modern worship song that is grounded in the truth of the Gospel. It reminds us that Jesus is our hope, and He is the only foundation on which we can build our lives.

4. In Christ Alone – This song is another modern worship song that speaks to the theme of salvation through Jesus Christ. It emphasizes the importance of understanding the Gospel message and putting our faith in Christ alone.

Questions for Lesson

1. What does Romans 6:23 teach us about the consequences of sin?
2. How can we avoid the wages of sin according to Romans 6:23?
3. How does the gospel of Christ offer us a solution to the condemnation of sin mentioned in Romans 6:23?
4. How can we use Romans 6:23 to share the good news of salvation with others?
5. What is the significance of the gift of eternal life mentioned in Romans 6:23?
6. How can we apply the truth of Romans 6:23 to our personal struggles with sin and temptation?


– Romans 6:23
– Ezekiel 18:20
– James 1:15
– Galatians 6:7-8
– Isaiah 59:2
– Proverbs 13:15
– Psalm 7:11
– Romans 3:23
– Genesis 2:16-17
– Revelation 21:8

Object Lesson

Props needed:
– A bowl of fruit (representing God’s good and perfect gifts)
– A container of dirt or something dirty (representing sin)
– A small candy or toy (representing the temporary pleasure of sin)
– A piece of paper with the verse Romans 6:23 written on it

Start by holding up the bowl of fruit and explaining that God gives us good and perfect gifts. Display the container of dirt or something dirty and explain that sin is like this – it contaminates and ruins the good things God gives us.

Next, hold up the small candy or toy and explain that sin can be tempting and seem desirable, but ultimately it only brings temporary pleasure.

Finally, hold up the piece of paper with the verse Romans 6:23 written on it and read it aloud: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Explain that just like a job pays wages, sin also has wages – death. But God offers us a gift – eternal life through Jesus Christ.

To tie it all together, take the container of dirt and pour it over the bowl of fruit, symbolizing how sin contaminates and ruins God’s good gifts. Then, take the candy or toy and throw it away, showing how sin is only temporary and ultimately unsatisfying. Finally, hold up the piece of paper with Romans 6:23 written on it again and emphasize the importance of choosing God’s gift of eternal life over the temporary pleasures of sin.

Craft Idea

No craft for this lesson.


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