Title: Protecting Our Minds with God’s Love
Objective: To help children understand the concept of the “Helmet of Salvation” and how God’s love protects our hearts and minds.
Gather the children together and start with a fun question – “What do you think a helmet is used for?” Allow a few responses before explaining that a helmet is something we wear to protect our heads, especially when we are riding bikes or playing sports. Today, we’re going to talk about another type of helmet—one that protects our minds, and that is the “Helmet of Salvation” from the Bible.
Bible Verse:
Let’s read Ephesians 6:17, which says, “And take the helmet of salvation.” Let’s think about what that means!
1. What is Salvation?
– Explain that salvation means being saved. In our case, it means God loves us so much that He sent Jesus to save us from sin. When we accept Jesus into our hearts, we receive His love and protection.
2. The Helmet of Salvation:
– Just like a regular helmet protects our heads from bumps and bruises, the Helmet of Salvation protects our minds from negative thoughts and feelings.
– Discuss that sometimes we might feel scared, sad, or worried. These feelings can attack us like a little rock thrown by a friend during a game. But when we wear the Helmet of Salvation, we can remember that God is always with us, and He loves us.
3. God’s Love Protects Us:
– Tell the children that God’s love is like a big hug that wraps around us. It means when we feel alone or afraid, we can talk to God in prayer, and He will help us feel safe.
– Encourage them to think of a time when they felt scared or sad, and discuss how praying and remembering God’s love helped them feel better.
– Craft time! Provide paper and crayons. Have the children draw their own helmet and decorate it with words and pictures that remind them of God’s love, like hearts, smiles, and the word “LOVE.” This will be a fun reminder that they can wear their Helmet of Salvation in their hearts and minds.
Wrap up the lesson by reminding the kids that God loves them and that His love is the best protection for our minds. When we wear our “Helmet of Salvation” by trusting in Jesus and remembering His love, we can face anything with courage.
Close with a prayer thanking God for His love and asking Him to help everyone remember to wear their Helmet of Salvation every day!
Encourage the kids to share what they learned today and to remind each other to keep their minds protected with God’s love!