Title: Facing Our Fears: The Truth About Monsters
Objective: To help children understand that while monsters might be scary, we can face our fears with faith and remember that God is always with us.
Today, we’re going to talk about something that many children think about—monsters! Sometimes, we think of monsters as big, scary creatures that hide in closets or under our beds. But guess what? Monsters can also be things that scare us in our hearts and minds.
What Are Monsters?
- Ask the children if they can name any monsters they know—maybe from movies or stories.
- Tell them that while these monsters might seem real or scary, they are often just make-believe.
The Reality of Fear:
- Explain that everyone, even grown-ups, has fears. Sometimes we are afraid of the dark, loud noises, or speaking in front of others.
- Share that monsters can be like our fears—they can seem big and scary, but they are often not real or as bad as they seem.
God Knows Our Fears:
- Read Psalm 56:3: "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you."
- Explain that God understands our fears and wants to help us. We can talk to Him about anything, even the things that scare us.
Facing Our Fears:
- Teach them about Daniel in the lion’s den (Daniel 6). Daniel faced his fear of being thrown to the lions because he trusted God.
- Discuss how God was with Daniel, keeping him safe. Just like that, God is with us when we face our fears.
The Power of Prayer:
- Explain that prayer is like talking to God. When we feel scared, we can pray and ask God to help us be brave.
- Lead the kids in a simple prayer asking God to help them face their fears.
Choosing to be Brave:
- Share that being brave doesn’t mean we don’t feel scared. It means we trust God to help us through our fears.
- Encourage the children to think of someone they can help if they see that person feeling afraid, just like God helps us.
Fun Activity:
- Have the children draw or color their version of a ‘monster.’ But instead of making it scary, encourage them to turn it into something silly or funny.
- As they do this, remind them that the more we talk about our fears, the smaller they can seem.
Help the children remember that while monsters might seem big and scary, we can face them with God’s help. God loves us no matter what we feel, and He is always there to comfort and protect us. When we trust Him, our fears become a lot smaller!
Closing Prayer:
Invite the children to bow their heads, and say a prayer asking God to help everyone be brave and trusting in Him when they feel scared. Thank Him for being with us and helping us face our fears together!
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