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Eating for Gods Glory: Nourishing Our Bodies

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian

Title: Eating for God’s Glory: Nourishing Our Bodies

Bible Verse: “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” – 1 Corinthians 10:31

Objective: To teach young children the importance of eating healthy and taking care of their bodies, as a way to honor and glorify God.

Hello children! Today, we are going to talk about something very important – eating healthy. Did you know that God cares about our bodies, and he wants us to take care of them in the best way possible? Our bodies are a gift from God, and we can honor and glorify Him by taking care of them.

1. God created our bodies:
We are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, and He cares about every part of us, including our bodies. (Psalm 139: 13-14) That’s why we should take care of our bodies by eating healthy food.

2. Eating healthy is good for us:
Eating healthy food gives our bodies the nutrients and energy it needs to grow and be strong. When we eat junk food or sugary drinks, it can harm our bodies and make us feel sick. By choosing to eat healthy foods, we are taking care of the gifts that God has given us.

3. Eating healthy honors God:
As Christians, we know that everything we do is for God’s glory. That includes the food we eat. When we choose to eat foods that are good for us, we are taking care of the gift that God has given us – and we are honoring and glorifying Him in the process.

So, children, remember that eating healthy is important, not just for our bodies, but also for our relationship with God. By choosing to eat healthy, we are showing gratitude for the gift of our bodies, and honoring God with our choices. Let’s pray together, thanking God for our bodies, and asking Him to help us make good choices when it comes to food.

Heavenly Father, thank you for creating us fearfully and wonderfully, and for giving us the gift of our bodies. Help us to take care of these gifts by making good choices when it comes to food. Teach us to honor and glorify you in everything we do, including the food we eat. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Have the children draw pictures of healthy foods and display them proudly in the classroom or at home.

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “The Fruit of the Spirit” by Uncle Charlie
2. “This Little Light of Mine” by Addison Road
3. “Alive” by Hillsong Young and Free
4. “God’s Not Dead” by Newsboys

Questions for Lesson

1. How does eating healthy honor God and bring glory to Him?
2. Some people say that eating healthy is too expensive or time-consuming. What are some practical tips for making healthy eating a priority on a budget?
3. How does eating unhealthy foods affect our physical health? How does this impact our ability to serve God and others?
4. The Bible teaches us to treat our bodies as temples of the Holy Spirit. How can we apply this teaching to our food choices?
5. What are some foods that God created that are especially good for our bodies and can help us live healthy lives?
6. True or False: According to the Bible, it is more important to focus on our inner spiritual health than on our physical health.


1 Corinthians 10:31
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
Deuteronomy 8:3
Proverbs 23:20-21
Daniel 1:8-16
Romans 14:1-4
1 Timothy 4:3-5
1 Timothy 5:23
Genesis 9:3
Leviticus 11:1-47
Mark 7:14-23
Matthew 6:25-27
Proverbs 11:1-30
Psalm 104:14-15
Matthew 4:4
Luke 24:41-43

Object Lesson

Props needed:

1. A plate of brightly colored fruits and vegetables
2. A small cake or candy bar
3. A clear glass of water
4. A fun music toy or instrument


Begin by presenting the plate of fruits and vegetables to the children, explaining that these foods are colorful, tasty, and also very healthy for our bodies. Ask if anyone knows why it’s important to eat healthy foods.

Next, present the small cake or candy bar and ask the children if they think this food is healthy or unhealthy. Allow them to share their thoughts and discuss the idea that while these treats can be enjoyed in moderation, they are not the best choice for our bodies if we want to be strong and healthy.

After this, present the glass of water and explain how important it is to drink water every day to keep our bodies hydrated and functioning well. Ask the children if they drink enough water each day and encourage them to make sure they drink plenty of water, especially when they are thirsty or tired.

Finally, present the fun music toy or instrument and explain that being healthy isn’t just about what we eat and drink – it’s also about taking care of our whole bodies, including our minds and hearts. Encourage the children to find activities they enjoy that make them feel happy and energized, just like healthy food and water help us feel strong and energized.


Close the presentation by emphasizing that eating healthy is not only good for our bodies, but it also honors God by taking good care of the bodies He gave us. Encourage the children to make healthy choices whenever possible, knowing that it pleases God and helps them feel their best.

Craft Idea

Craft Idea: DIY Healthy Recipe Book

– Construction paper
– Scissors
– Glue or tape
– Marker or pen
– Stickers or decorative elements (optional)


1. Cut the construction paper into small rectangular shapes to create pages for the recipe book. The size can vary depending on preference, but make sure all pages are the same size for consistency.

2. On each page, write down a healthy recipe that the children can make at home. Alternatively, you can pre-print some healthy recipes and glue them onto the pages.

3. Decorate the pages with stickers or other decorative elements if desired.

4. On the cover page, write “My Healthy Recipe Book” and draw or decorate it as desired.

5. Stack the pages together and bind them with glue or tape. You can also punch holes in the pages and tie them together with ribbon or string.

6. Encourage the children to use their recipe book to create healthy meals and snacks at home that will nourish their bodies and honor God.

This craft allows children to learn about healthy eating while also creating a fun and useful tool for their own kitchens. It’s a great way for them to remember the lesson and continue to practice healthy habits even after the class is over.


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