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Believing in Heroes: How God Helps Us Battle Our Fears

Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian


Believing in Heroes: How God Helps Us Battle Our Fears

Believing in Heroes: How God Helps Us Battle Our Fears


Welcome, little friends! Today, we are going to talk about something we all experience at some point: fears! But don’t worry, because just like superheroes, we have a hero who helps us fight those fears. Can you guess who it is?

That’s right! It’s God!

Understanding Monsters

Sometimes, we think of monsters as big, scary creatures that chase us in the dark. But monsters can also be the fears inside us—like being afraid of the dark, speaking in front of others, or trying new things. Just like in our favorite superhero movies, we can see how heroes face their fears, and we can do that too!

God, Our Superhero

The Bible tells us that God loves us very much and wants to help us when we are afraid. In Psalm 56:3, it says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.” This means that when we feel scared, we can talk to God and ask for His help!

Stories of Heroes

Let’s think about some heroes from the Bible who faced big fears:

  • David: He was just a young boy, yet he defeated a giant named Goliath. He trusted God and used a little sling and some stones to battle that big monster!
  • Daniel: He was thrown into a den of lions, but he wasn’t afraid because he knew God was with him. God kept him safe!
  • Esther: She was afraid to speak to the king, but God gave her the courage to save her people. She became a true hero!

How Can We Be Heroes?

Just as those Bible heroes relied on God, we can also be heroes in our lives!

  • Whenever you feel scared, say a little prayer. Ask God to help you be brave!
  • Try facing your fears one small step at a time. For example, if you’re scared of the dark, try turning off the lights for just a few seconds at first.
  • Be a hero to others! If you notice a friend who is scared, encourage them and let them know that God is with them too!


So, remember, little ones: you are not alone when you feel afraid. God, our superhero, is always with us! He gives us strength and courage to fight our fears, just like those brave heroes in the Bible.

Let’s end with a prayer:

Dear God,
Thank You for being our hero. Help us to be brave and face our fears. Remind us that we are never alone, and give us courage to help others too. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Activity: Hero Masks

Now, let’s create our own superhero masks to remind us that we can be brave like David, Daniel, and Esther! Use paper plates, markers, and anything else you like to decorate and design your hero mask. When you wear it, remember that God is with you fighting your fears!


Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Courageous” by Casting Crowns
2. “God is Bigger Than the Boogeyman” by VeggieTales
3. “Fear Not” by Yancy
4. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands” (traditional children’s song)

Questions for Lesson

1. What are some “monsters” or fears that you have in your life, and how can trusting in God help you face them?

2. Can you name a Bible character who faced a big challenge or fear, similar to battling a monster? What did they do to overcome it?

3. What does Psalm 34:4 say about how God helps us when we are afraid?

4. How can talking to God in prayer help you when you feel scared of your own “monsters”?

5. In the story of David and Goliath, who was the real hero and how did God help David face his giant?

6. How can knowing that God loves us help us feel brave when we are facing things that scare us?


Isaiah 41:10
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 56:3-4
Joshua 1:9
Romans 8:31
Philippians 4:13
Hebrews 13:6
1 John 4:18
Psalm 34:4
Matthew 14:27

Object Lesson

Title: Believing in Heroes: How God Helps Us Battle Our Fears

Objective: To teach young children that God is like a hero who helps us face our fears, just like heroes in stories battle monsters.

Props Needed:
1. A small cardboard box (to represent a monster)
2. A flashlight (to symbolize God’s light)
3. A toy sword or magic wand (to represent courage)
4. A plush toy or puppet (to act as the hero)
5. A large piece of paper with a drawing of a big friendly monster (to represent fears)
6. Stickers or craft supplies to decorate the monster

Presentation Steps:

1. **Setting the Scene**:
– Gather the children in a circle and show them the cardboard box. Explain that this box represents a monster. Ask the children what they think monsters look like and encourage them to share their fears.
– Take out the big paper drawing of the friendly monster. Explain that even though monsters can sometimes seem scary, we can face our fears and turn them into something less terrifying.

2. **Introducing the Hero**:
– Take the plush toy or puppet and introduce it as a hero that helps fight the monster (fear). Explain that just like in stories, heroes are there to help us when we feel scared.

3. **Shining the Light**:
– Use the flashlight to shine light on the cardboard box. Explain that God’s love and guidance are like this light, helping us see that our fears can be managed. Ask the children how they feel when the light shines on the monster. Emphasize that sometimes our fears are not as big as they seem when we shine light on them.

4. **Using Courage**:
– Pick up the toy sword or magic wand and demonstrate how the hero uses it to battle the monster. Encourage the children to take turns pretending to use the sword or wand to “fight” the cardboard box monster. Explain that it represents the courage that God gives us to overcome our fears.

5. **Decorating the Monster**:
– Provide stickers or craft supplies and invite the children to help decorate the friendly monster. Explain that by giving attention to their fears, they can transform them into something that isn’t so scary. Talk about how with God’s help, we can change how we see our fears.

6. **Closing Reflection**:
– Gather the children in a circle again and ask them what they learned about heroes and fears. Reinforce the idea that God is always there to help us face what makes us feel scared. Let them know it’s okay to feel afraid sometimes, but with God’s help, they can be brave heroes too.

By engaging with the children through storytelling, hands-on activities, and interactive discussions, you’ll help them understand the concept of divine assistance in overcoming fears in a relatable and entertaining way.

Craft Idea

Title: “Hero Shields: Battling Our Fears with God’s Help”

Objective: To help children visualize how God is with them as they face their fears and to create a tangible reminder of their own ‘hero’ status in Christ.

Supply List:
– Paper plates (one per child)
– Markers or crayons
– Stickers (stars, crosses, etc.)
– Aluminum foil (optional)
– Scissors
– Tape or glue
– Ribbon or yarn (optional)
– Construction paper (various colors)
– A printout of a Bible verse about God’s strength (like Philippians 4:13 or 2 Timothy 1:7)

1. Introduction (1-2 minutes):
Begin by discussing the concept of heroes and how God helps us find courage to face our fears. Explain that today, they will make their own hero shields to remind them that God gives us strength.

2. Prepare the Shields (3-5 minutes):
– Give each child a paper plate to serve as the base for their shield.
– Allow them to use markers, crayons, and stickers to decorate their shields. Encourage them to personalize their designs; they can draw their favorite heroes, symbols of God’s protection (like crosses or stars), and even write their names on the shield.
– Optionally, kids can use aluminum foil to create a shiny effect for their shield. They can cut shapes or letters from the foil and glue them on.

3. Add Encouragement (2-3 minutes):
– Provide each child with a printed Bible verse on a piece of construction paper. Encourage them to choose a verse that resonates with them, reflecting God’s strength or presence.
– Have them cut the verse out and glue it onto their shield. This will serve as a reminder that they are not alone in facing fears—God is with them!

4. Finishing Touches (2-4 minutes):
– If you have ribbon or yarn, help the children tape or glue it to the back of the plate so they can wear the shield on their arm or carry it as they play.
– Encourage them to share what fears they might be facing and how they plan to remember God’s help when they use their hero shields.

5. Closing (1 minute):
Gather the children and ask if anyone wants to share their shield and what their verse means. Remind them that just like heroes in stories, we can face our fears with God’s help. Conclude with a brief prayer thanking God for being our ultimate hero.

This craft not only serves as a fun activity but also reinforces the lesson of how faith helps us confront and overcome fears.


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