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The False Prophet: Deception and False Signs

Title: The False Prophet: Deception and False Signs

Today, we will be exploring Revelation 13:11-18, which introduces us to the false prophet and the deception and false signs that will come in the end times. As seniors, we have likely experienced various forms of deception in our lives and can draw on our wisdom and discernment as we study this passage. Let’s delve into this important topic and seek to understand how we can guard ourselves against deception in our own lives.

The False Prophet:
In Revelation 13:11-18, we are introduced to the false prophet, who will work alongside the Antichrist to deceive people with false signs and wonders. This passage warns us about the cunning nature of the false prophet, who will use deceitful tactics to lead people astray and away from the truth of God.

Deception and False Signs:
As seniors, we have likely encountered instances of deception and false signs in our lives. Whether it be in the form of fraudulent schemes, false promises, or misleading information, we understand the impact that deception can have on individuals and communities. In the end times, the false prophet will seek to deceive people on a global scale, and it is crucial for us to remain vigilant and discerning in our faith.

Guarding Against Deception:
How can we guard ourselves against deception and false signs, both in the present day and as we look towards the end times? The key lies in staying rooted in God’s Word and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit. By cultivating a deep and personal relationship with God, we can develop the discernment to recognize the truth and stand firm against deception.

As seniors, we have a wealth of life experience and wisdom that can serve us well in navigating the deceptive tactics of the false prophet. Let us take this lesson to heart and commit ourselves to remaining steadfast in our faith, trusting in God’s truth, and guarding against deception in all its forms. May we continue to seek God’s guidance and discernment as we navigate the complexities of the world around us.

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Possible Viewpont: Anglican Christian


1 John 4:1
Matthew 24:24
2 Corinthians 11:13-15
Revelation 13:14
2 Thessalonians 2:9-10

Questions for Lesson

1. How does the false prophet described in Rev 13:11-18 relate to modern-day false teachings and deception in the church?
2. In what ways have you personally encountered false signs or deception in your faith journey, and how did you handle it?
3. According to Rev 13:11-18, what are the consequences of following the false prophet and the beast? How can we guard ourselves against falling into deception?
4. Can you share a personal experience of discerning false teachings or signs in the church, and how you handled it according to biblical principles?
5. What does Rev 13:16-17 teach us about the mark of the beast, and how does it relate to current events and societal pressures?
6. What steps can we take as Anglican Christians to stay grounded in truth and discernment in the face of false prophets and deception, as warned in Rev 13:11-18?

Worship Music for Lesson

1. “Be Thou My Vision” – This classic hymn speaks to the importance of seeking God’s guidance and discernment in the midst of deception and false signs.

2. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” – This song emphasizes the steadfast and unwavering nature of God’s truth in the face of false teachings and deception.

3. “How Great Thou Art” – This well-loved hymn praises God’s greatness and power, reminding seniors of the sovereignty of God over false prophets and signs.

4. “Amazing Grace” – This timeless hymn celebrates God’s redemption and grace, offering hope and assurance in the midst of deception and false teachings.

Object Lesson

Title: The False Prophet: Deception and False Signs

Props Needed:
1. A magician’s wand
2. A fake fortune teller’s crystal ball
3. A sign with the words “Beware of False Prophets” written on it
4. A Bible open to Revelation 13:11-18

Illustration Presentation:
As we explore Revelation 13:11-18, we see the warning about the false prophet who will deceive people with false signs and wonders. To illustrate this, I will use a few props to help make the concept relevant to us as seniors.

First, I will hold up a magician’s wand to represent the idea of false signs and tricks meant to deceive. Just as a magician uses sleight of hand to make things appear different than they really are, the false prophet will use deceptive tactics to lead people astray.

Next, I will show a fake fortune teller’s crystal ball to symbolize the false predictions and claims of supernatural knowledge made by the false prophet. Many of us have likely encountered fortune tellers or psychics who claim to know the future, but in reality, their predictions are nothing more than empty words meant to deceive.

Then, I will display a sign with the words “Beware of False Prophets” written on it. This serves as a reminder for us to be discerning and cautious when it comes to religious teachings and spiritual leaders, especially in today’s world where deception is prevalent.

Finally, I will open the Bible to Revelation 13:11-18 and read the passage aloud, encouraging seniors to stay rooted in the truth of God’s word and to be vigilant against the tactics of the false prophet.

By using these props and visually presenting the concept, seniors can better grasp the warning about deception and false signs in Revelation 13:11-18 and apply it to their lives.


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