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Leaving a Legacy: Honoring God Through Your Will


Leaving a Legacy: Honoring God Through Your Will

Leaving a Legacy: Honoring God Through Your Will


As we approach the later stages of life, it is essential to reflect on the legacy we wish to leave behind.
This lesson focuses on the spiritual and impactful decision of including your church in your will, honoring
God and supporting the mission of the church even after you have gone home to be with Him.

1. Understanding Legacy

A legacy is not merely about material possessions; it encompasses the values, beliefs, and contributions
we leave for future generations. What kind of impact do you wish to have? How can you be a part of
God’s ongoing work through His church?

2. Biblical Foundations

The Bible clearly reflects the importance of stewardship and generosity. Here are a few verses to

  • Proverbs 13:22: “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, but the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.”
  • 2 Corinthians 9:7: “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
  • Matthew 6:19-20: “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth… but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven.”

3. Practical Steps to Include the Church in Your Will

Here are some practical ways you can honor God through your will:

  • Consult with a Professional: Speak with an estate planner or attorney who understands how to structure your will.
  • Designate a Portion to Your Church: Decide what percentage or specific amount you would like to leave to your church.
  • Consider Specific Ministries: Think about specific ministries or missions within the church that you feel passionate about supporting.
  • Communicate Your Intentions: Share your wishes with family and leadership in the church, ensuring your intentions are clear.

4. The Impact of Your Gift

Including your church in your will has a lasting impact. Here are a few ways your gift can make a difference:

  • Supports community outreach and missions
  • Helps maintain church facilities and programs
  • Contributes to spiritual growth and development for future generations


As we reflect on the end of our earthly journey, let us remember that our legacy is an extension of our faith.
By including the church in our will, we not only secure our financial intentions but also participate in
God’s vision for His kingdom on earth. Consider taking these steps to honor God through your legacy.


This HTML document presents an engaging and structured lesson tailored for seniors, Teaching them about the importance of including their church in their will and the spiritual significance of leaving a legacy that honors God.

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Possible Viewpont: Evangelical Christian



  • Proverbs 13:22
  • Psalm 112:1-3
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
  • Matthew 6:19-21
  • 1 Timothy 6:17-19
  • Malachi 3:10
  • Proverbs 19:17
  • Luke 12:15-21
  • Ecclesiastes 7:12
  • Colossians 3:23-24


Questions for Lesson

Here’s a list of six questions formatted in HTML that relate to the lesson “Leaving a Legacy: Honoring God Through Your Will” specifically focusing on “Putting the Church in Your Will.” The questions include personal reflections and quiz-type questions relevant for Evangelical Christian seniors.


  1. Personal Reflection: How does putting the church in your will affect your spiritual legacy and sense of purpose?
  2. Quiz Question: What biblical principles can be found in 1 Timothy 6:17-19 regarding the management of wealth and the importance of giving to the church?
  3. Personal Reflection: How do you feel about the impact of your planned giving on future generations of your church community?
  4. Quiz Question: According to Malachi 3:10, what promise does God make to those who bring their tithes into the storehouse?
  5. Personal Reflection: What specific ministries or missions within your church would you consider supporting through your will, and why are they significant to you?
  6. Quiz Question: What does Proverbs 13:22 teach about leaving an inheritance for future generations, and how does this relate to Christian stewardship?


This format provides a combination of personal reflection and quiz questions, helping seniors engage with the topic meaningfully while also reflecting on scriptural teachings.

Worship Music for Lesson


  • “I Will Follow Christ” by Michael W. Smith – This song emphasizes commitment to following Jesus and leaving a legacy of faith.
  • “Find Us Faithful” by Steve Green – A powerful reminder to live lives that honor God, shaping a legacy for future generations.
  • “Legacy” by Nichole Nordeman – This song reflects on the impact of one’s life and faith on those who come after us.
  • “Well Done” by The Afters – This uplifting song celebrates the hope of hearing “well done” from God at the end of life, encouraging listeners to live for Him.


Object Lesson

Certainly! Here’s an illustration designed to teach seniors about leaving a legacy by including their church in their will. The presentation uses props to make the message concrete and relatable.

### Title: Leaving a Legacy: Honoring God Through Your Will

#### Objective:
To encourage seniors to consider including their church in their will as a way to leave a lasting legacy that supports their community and honors God.

#### Needed Props:
1. **A large, empty jar** (to represent your legacy)
2. **Small paper slips** (to represent gifts or contributions)
3. **A stack of index cards** (to represent different types of legacies – church, community, family)
4. **A Bible** (to signify God’s word and guidance)
5. **A plant or small tree** (symbolizing growth and the lasting impact of one’s contributions)
6. **Markers/Pens** (for writing on slips and cards)

#### Presentation Steps:

1. **Set Up the Scene**:
– Arrange a small table at the front with the jar, slips, index cards, and the Bible.

2. **Introduce the Concept**:
– Begin by holding the Bible and sharing a brief scripture that emphasizes giving and legacy, such as 2 Corinthians 9:7: *“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”*

3. **Explain the Jar**:
– Show the large empty jar. Explain that this jar represents each person’s life. As we go through life, we have the opportunity to fill it with different contributions – to family, friends, community, and the church.

4. **Distribute Paper Slips**:
– Hand out small paper slips to the seniors. Ask them to think about different ways they have contributed or want to contribute to the church and community. They can write their thoughts or ideas on these slips.

5. **Filling the Jar**:
– As they write, invite them to come forward one by one and add their slips to the jar. Emphasize that these contributions symbolize what they have done or want to do for their church.

6. **Introduce Index Cards**:
– Now, bring out the stack of index cards. Explain that these cards represent different types of legacies.
– For instance, one card can say “Family,” representing the legacy that stays within their family; another can say “Community,” representing contributions made within their town or neighborhood; and another can say “Church,” which is for the significance of supporting their church.
– Ask the seniors to choose one index card that resonates with them and explain why.

7. **Discuss Leaving a Legacy**:
– Use the plant or small tree to visualize how the legacy can grow. Explain that when they leave a part of their estate or a gift to the church, like the roots of a tree, it helps foster growth in the community and spreads God’s love further.
– Share anecdotes or testimonials of how church contributions from past members have made a difference.

8. **Encouragement to Consider Their Legacy**:
– Encourage the seniors to speak with a legal advisor about including their church in their wills. Remind them that leaving a legacy is not just about finances but includes prayers, support, and love shared with their church.

9. **Wrap Up**:
– Close with a prayer that blesses their decisions and encourages everyone to think about the impact they want to leave.

10. **Personal Journaling (Optional)**:
– If time allows, provide some quiet moments for them to write down their thoughts about leaving a legacy in a personal journal, reflecting on the contributions they wish to continue even after they’re gone.

By utilizing props and a hands-on approach, this illustration will resonate with seniors in a meaningful way while encouraging them to consider the importance and impact of leaving a legacy through their wills.


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