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Zany Zephaniah: Bible Brain Busters!

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Enigma Riddle: Who was Zephaniah?

I am a prophet, but not one of the most famous ones. My name is not as recognizable as Isaiah or Jeremiah. I lived during the reign of King Josiah in Judah, but my message was not just for my own time. I spoke of the coming Day of the Lord, when God would judge the nations and purify His own people. My words are recorded in a book of the Bible that bears my name. Who am I?

Answer: Zephaniah

Conundrum Riddle: What did Zephaniah prophesy?

I spoke of a day of wrath, a day of distress and anguish, a day of destruction and desolation. I warned of the judgment that would come upon Judah and the surrounding nations because of their idolatry and wickedness. But I also spoke of hope, of a remnant that would be saved, of a future restoration when God would dwell with His people and take away their shame. My message was not just about punishment, but also about redemption. What did I prophesy?

Answer: Zephaniah prophesied about the judgment and restoration of Judah and the surrounding nations.

Lateral Thinking Riddle: How did Zephaniah’s message bring hope?

I spoke of a day of darkness and gloom, a day when the sun and moon would be darkened and the stars would fall from the sky. I warned of the destruction that would come upon the wicked, but I also promised salvation for the righteous. I spoke of a remnant that would be saved, a people who would trust in the Lord and find refuge in Him. I spoke of a future restoration when God would dwell with His people and take away their shame. My message was one of judgment, but also of hope. How did my message bring hope?

Answer: Zephaniah’s message brought hope by promising salvation for the righteous, a remnant that would be saved, and a future restoration when God would dwell with His people and take away their shame.

Trick Riddle: What’s the connection between Zephaniah and a lion?

I am a prophet, but I am also like a lion. I roar with the voice of the Lord, warning of the judgment that is to come. I am fierce in my condemnation of sin and idolatry, and I am unafraid to confront the powerful and the proud. But I am also like a lion in that I bring hope. Just as a lion protects its cubs, I speak of a remnant that will be saved, a people who will find refuge in the Lord. And just as a lion is a symbol of strength and power, so too is my message a reminder of the greatness and majesty of God. What’s the connection between me, Zephaniah, and a lion?

Answer: The connection between Zephaniah and a lion is that he is fierce in his condemnation of sin and idolatry, but also brings hope by speaking of a remnant that will be saved and reminding us of the greatness and majesty of God, which is symbolized by the strength and power of a lion.

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