Enigma Riddle: Who is Obadiah’s enemy?
I am the one who sought to destroy,
Obadiah’s people, his pride and his joy.
I thought I was mighty, I thought I was strong,
But Obadiah knew where he truly belonged.
I came with my armies, with swords and with fire,
But Obadiah’s faith was his greatest desire.
He trusted in God, and he stood up to me,
And in the end, it was I who would flee.
So who am I, this enemy of Obadiah’s?
A tyrant, a conqueror, a ruler despised.
But Obadiah’s faith was stronger than my might,
And he proved that in God, he had the true light.
Conundrum Riddle: How did Obadiah hide the prophets?
Obadiah was a faithful man,
Who loved his God with all he can.
When prophets were in danger dire,
He hid them well, but how, inquire?
He took a cave, both deep and wide,
And in its depths, the prophets hide.
But how did he keep them fed and warm,
And safe from harm, in this hidden form?
The answer is both simple and true,
Obadiah knew just what to do.
He dug a well, and planted grain,
And in that cave, the prophets remain.
Lateral Thinking Riddle: Why did Obadiah serve two masters?
Obadiah was a man of faith,
Who served two masters without hate.
He worked for Ahab, a king not just,
But also for God, in whom he’d trust.
He was a faithful servant true,
Who did his work, both old and new.
But why serve two, you may ask,
When one alone is an easier task?
The answer lies in Obadiah’s heart,
For he knew that from God, he could not part.
But to serve Ahab, was also his duty,
And so he served with love and beauty.
Trick Riddle: What’s Obadiah’s secret to eternal life?
Obadiah was a man of faith,
Who sought eternal life without hate.
He prayed and fasted, gave to the poor,
But what’s his secret, forevermore?
Some say he found a magic stone,
Or drank a potion, unknown alone.
But Obadiah’s secret was much more,
A simple truth, we cannot ignore.
He knew that in God, he had the key,
To life eternal, forever free.
And so he lived, with faith and love,
And now he rests, in heaven above.