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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Zephaniah!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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In the land of Judah, there once was a man,
who saw visions of destruction, not part of God’s plan.
His message was clear, his words were divine,
yet his book is often overlooked and hard to find.

He spoke of a day when the Lord would arise,
to bring judgment on those who exalt their pride.
From the rich to the poor, from the east to the west,
all would face destruction, none would be blessed.

And yet in the midst of the chaos and woe,
there was a glimmer of hope, a message to know.
For the Lord promised a remnant, a faithful few,
who would be saved and restored, made anew.

So search through the scripture with wisdom and care,
and you’ll find this prophet, quite rare and quite fair.
His message is timeless, his words still true,
the book of Zephaniah, a treasure for you.

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