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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Lamentations!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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In anguish and despair, my five chapters unfold
Filled with sorrow and lament, my story never gets old
My author, a prophet with a broken heart and soul
Witnessed the destruction of a city, its downfall and toll

My first chapter sets the tone, a city in desolation
Grief and tears are flowing, a once-proud nation
My second chapter tells the tale, the Lord’s anger and wrath
A punishment so severe, a society lost its path

My third chapter reveals the agony, of one who pleads for mercy
A voice of hope arises, a plea for God’s grace and mercy
My fourth chapter recounts the devastation, the fall of the great city
A people left in ruins, their fate sealed in pity

My final chapter takes us home, a song of repentance and prayer
A call to come back to the faith, a plea for God’s love to share
Who am I, this book of sorrow and pain?
A testament of faith, a book of Lamentations I remain.

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