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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Jeremiah!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a prophet who saw destruction and despair,
My words were harsh, my warnings filled with care.
My name is not a common one, but it’s well-known,
And my book is filled with messages that make us groan.

Despite my warnings, people ignored me in my time,
But my words echo on, still offering a divine rhyme.
I speak of judgment, justice, and redemption too,
And I remain relevant, still speaking to me and you.

My book is long and complex, written in poetic verse,
Filled with symbolism and metaphor that makes us terse.
But those who take the time to read and understand,
Find wisdom and guidance, a trustworthy divine hand.

Though my words may seem daunting, their message is clear,
God’s love and mercy are forever near.
So read my words, and may they guide you on your way,
The book of Jeremiah is what I am, do you understand what I say?

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