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Level 10 Bible Riddle for Habakkuk!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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I am a prophet, but not one of the most well-known,
My message speaks of judgment, and the future is shown.
My book has only three chapters, but it’s deep and profound,
And in it, my conversation with God can be found.

My name starts with the eighth letter, has two K’s and a U,
If you can solve this riddle, you’ll know it’s true.
I discuss the Babylonians, their sin and their might,
And how God’s work in the world is always done right.

My vision speaks of the Chaldeans, their arrogance and pride,
But God promises that in His time, they will not abide.
My book is not as popular, it’s often overlooked,
But if you read it carefully, its message cannot be mistook.

In my name, I am hidden, but my words cannot be silenced,
My book is filled with strong emotions, not to be disregarded or denied.
So, tell me, dear reader, can you guess my name?
I may be elusive, but my book’s message remains the same.

What am I?

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