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Level 10 Bible Riddle for 2 Samuel!

Robot Created – Ask Your Pastor First!

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In the heart of Jesse, a seed was sown,
A shepherd boy, with a humble throne.
A king anointed, he faced giants with might,
And through battles won, he held his right.

Amidst his splendor, he fell to fleshly sin,
Desiring what wasn’t his, a fatal win.
Repercussions followed, a son to pay the price,
But hope was given, through Nathan’s advice.

Absalom rebelled, a heart turned cold,
A father’s love, a story untold.
Fights and bloodshed, David’s tears flowed,
A nation divided, a kingdom bestowed.

Through it all, God’s grace remained,
A promise fulfilled, a lasting reign.
The book of 2 Samuel, a tale of highs and lows,
A story of redemption, that forever glows.

What book am I?

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