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Level 10 Bible Riddle for 1 Kings!

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In ancient times, I was born, and to this day, I am still read,
My contents are many, yet they all tie together, so you must pay heed,
My narrative spans decades, with kings and prophets, and battles so fierce,
A story of power, love, sin, and redemption, that will surely pierce,

My opening chapter tells of a wise king’s death, and his successors’ strife,
The lines that follow describe epic battles and political strife,
Prophets played a central role in my narrative, declaring judgment and hope,
My pages highlight passion and deception, and a story of how power and greed can cause men to mope,

My closing lines detail the death of a king, his son’s rise to glory,
A tale of how a man who was once so pious, lost his way, and rewrote his story,
I am a book that contains history, but also the formation of a nation,
A story for the ages, a tale of tumultuous times that our world still faces, and I am my own creation.

What am I?

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