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Florida Man miraculously finds water in desert, complains it’s too salty #Exodus

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Florida Man miraculously finds water in desert, complains it’s too salty #Exodus

Florida Man was lost in the wilderness, wandering for days without food or water. His throat was parched, and his tongue felt like sandpaper. But he refused to give up. He was a survivor, a true Floridian.

One day, as he stumbled through the desert, he saw something shimmering in the distance. Was it a mirage? He rubbed his eyes and looked again. No, it was real. Water! He ran towards it, his heart pounding with excitement.

As he got closer, he saw that it was a small pond, surrounded by palm trees. He fell to his knees and plunged his face into the water, gulping it down greedily. But as the water hit his tongue, he made a face. "Ew, this water is salty!" he complained.

Ignoring the taste, he drank until his thirst was quenched. He looked around and saw that there were other people gathered around the pond. They looked at him curiously, as if they had never seen a Florida Man before.

He introduced himself, and they told him that they were Israelites, fleeing from Egypt. They had been wandering in the desert for weeks, and they were just as thirsty as he was. They thanked him for finding the water and invited him to join their group.

Over the next few days, Florida Man traveled with the Israelites, sharing stories of his adventures and complaining about the salty water. But he was grateful to have found a group of people who welcomed him, even though he was a stranger.

Finally, they reached a place called Rephidim, where there was no water to be found. The Israelites began to grumble and complain, wondering if they would die of thirst. But Florida Man had a plan. He remembered a trick he had learned in the swamps of Florida. He took his trusty alligator tooth, and with a mighty swing, he struck a nearby rock.

To everyone’s amazement, water began to pour out of the rock, gushing like a fountain. The Israelites cheered and drank deeply, amazed at the miracle that Florida Man had performed.

As they celebrated, Florida Man remembered the salty water he had found earlier. He realized that even though it hadn’t tasted good, it had saved his life. He felt grateful for the small things and knew that he would never take water for granted again.

Exodus 17:6 "Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb, and you shall strike the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people will drink."

Read the actual story in the Bible and discover the miracles that happened in the wilderness. Remember to always be grateful for the small things in life, even if they don’t taste good. And if you ever find yourself lost in the desert, look for a Florida Man to show you the way.

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