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Florida Man Gideon Takes Out Midianites!

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Florida Man Gideon Takes Out Midianites!

In a shocking turn of events, a Florida man by the name of Gideon has taken out the entire army of Midianites using only 300 men and a clever plan. Eyewitnesses report that Gideon led his men into battle armed with nothing but trumpets, jars, and torches.

The Midianite army, rumored to be in the thousands, were so confused by the sudden noise and light that they turned on each other, causing chaos and allowing Gideon and his men to easily defeat them. It was truly a sight to behold.

When asked about his motivation for taking on such a seemingly impossible task, Gideon simply replied, "God told me to do it." And it seems that divine intervention was on his side, as the victory was swift and decisive.

Many are now hailing Gideon as a hero and a true example of Florida toughness. Some even speculate that he may run for political office in the future.

As for the Midianites, well, let’s just say they won’t be bothering anyone in Florida again anytime soon. Gideon has proven that sometimes the underdog can come out on top with a little faith and ingenuity.

"The Lord said to Gideon, ‘You have too many men. I cannot deliver Midian into their hands, or Israel would boast against me, "My own strength has saved me."’ " – Judges 7:2 (NIV)

If you want to read more about Gideon’s incredible story, check out Judges 7 in the Bible. And remember, sometimes all it takes is a little faith and creativity to overcome even the biggest obstacles.

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