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Florida Man hires harpist to soothe demon-possessed boss

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Florida Man hires harpist to soothe demon-possessed boss

In a bizarre turn of events, a Florida man has hired a harpist to soothe his demon-possessed boss. According to sources, David, the harpist, was brought in to play calming music for Saul, who had been tormented by evil spirits.

"I tried everything to calm him down," the Florida man, who wished to remain anonymous, said. "But nothing worked. So I figured, why not try music? And I heard David was the best harpist in town."

David arrived at Saul’s office, harp in hand, ready to play some sweet tunes. But as soon as he began playing, Saul’s demons went into overdrive. They threw him against the wall and made terrifying noises.

David didn’t flinch. He continued to play his harp, soothing notes filling the room. Slowly but surely, the demons began to calm down. Saul’s breathing evened out, and he fell into a deep sleep.

The Florida man was amazed. "I never thought something as simple as music could work. But David is a true master. And Saul, well, he’s a new man."

From that day forward, Saul was a changed man. He was kinder, gentler, and the demons never bothered him again. The Florida man was grateful to David and hired him on as a full-time employee. And Saul even wrote a song about his experience, which became a hit in Florida.

As strange as it may sound, the story of David and Saul’s service is a powerful one. It shows how music can have a profound effect on our minds and emotions. And it reminds us that even those who are tormented by evil can be healed.

If you want to read the actual story, it’s found in 1 Samuel 16:14 – 16:23. It’s a story of faith, courage, and the power of music. So next time you’re feeling down, consider putting on some soothing tunes. Who knows, it might just change your life.

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