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“Harvesting Glory” – a Revelation 14 Craft

Harvesting Glory – a Revelation 14 Craft


  • White paper or cardstock
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors
  • Gold glitter or foil


  1. Begin by drawing or printing out an image of a golden crown.
  2. Cut out the crown and set it aside.
  3. Using the white paper or cardstock, create a base for the craft. This can be any size you desire.
  4. On the base, draw or write out the phrase "Harvesting Glory" using the colored pencils or markers.
  5. Next, draw or print out an image of an angel.
  6. Cut out the angel and glue or tape it onto the base, placing it towards the top.
  7. Cut out small rectangles from the gold glitter or foil to represent the "harvest."
  8. Glue or tape the rectangles onto the base around the angel.
  9. Finally, glue or tape the golden crown onto the head of the angel.
  10. Display your "Harvesting Glory" craft as a reminder of the harvest to come as described in Revelation 14.

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