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Redeemed Dining – a Luke 14 Craft

Redeemed Dining – a Luke 14 Craft


  • Paper plates
  • Scissors
  • Markers or crayons
  • Glue
  • Small wooden dowels
  • Cardboard or foam board
  • Decorative elements such as stickers or ribbon


  1. Cut out a circle from the cardboard or foam board to serve as the base for your craft.
  2. Use markers or crayons to decorate the paper plates with images or symbols related to the story of Luke 14, such as a table, guests, or a host.
  3. Cut out the decorated paper plates and glue them onto the wooden dowels.
  4. Attach the dowels to the cardboard or foam board in a circular arrangement, resembling a dining table.
  5. Add any additional decorative elements, such as stickers or ribbon, to complete the craft.


This craft is based on Luke 14, which tells the story of a man who invites many guests to a great banquet. However, many of the guests decline the invitation, making excuses for why they cannot attend. The host becomes angry and decides to invite other people instead, specifically those who are poor, blind, and crippled.

This craft can serve as a reminder of the importance of hospitality and inclusivity, as well as the transformative power of redemption. By inviting the outcasts and marginalized to his banquet, the host in Luke 14 demonstrates that no one is beyond the reach of grace and love.

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