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Verse of the Day Rap of Ezekiel 36:1-38!

Verse 1:
Yo, pay attention, all around the globe,
Now hear the words of the prophet, Ezekiel, bro!
Verse 2:
Hey mountains and valleys, it’s time for a clean,
A land makeover, freshest you’ve ever seen.
Verse 3:
But hold up, wait a minute, don’t get it twisted,
It ain’t ’cause of your merit, it’s God that insisted.
Verse 4:
I’ll multiply your people, you’ll be super-sized,
Your cities rebuilt, looking oh so fly.
Verse 5:
It’s not for your sake, no need to boast,
I’ll do it all to prove I love you the most.
Verse 6:
I’ll bring the rain, the fruitful rain game,
Your fields will yield like a top-notch domain.
Verse 7:
You’ll prosper and flourish, no more despair,
Everyone will know that my favor’s declared.
Verse 8:
The ruins are gone, you’ll be flourishing guys,
Your land will rejoice, oh, what a prize!
Verse 9:
You won’t be called names, no more mockery,
No longer a target for folks’ treachery.
Verse 10:
I’ll fill your cities with people so grand,
My blessings will flow, unstoppable like sand.
Verse 11:
Your land won’t be empty, no ghost towns to see,
People will know that it’s all thanks to me.
Verse 12:
You’ll walk my path, like a man on a mission,
Know that I’m God, and listen with precision.
Verse 13:
Those once deserted, now new settlements arise,
Your farms will be fruitful, no more compromise.
Verse 14:
Heart of stone, I’ll replace it with dedication,
Serving me fully will be your foundation.
Verse 15:
Your neighbors will see, and they’ll be in awe,
At the blessings I bring without even a flaw.
Verse 16:
No more famines, I’ll bring you plenty to eat,
Land of milk and honey, satisfaction complete.
Verse 17:
Your grain will be bountiful, your wine will be sweet,
My people will thrive, no longer gonna meet defeat.
Verse 18:
Remember your sins, why you were exiled,
Now that you’ve returned, smile and be reconciled.
Verse 19:
I’ll cleanse you anew, like a fresh summer rain,
All guilt and stains gone, you’ll feel no more pain.
Verse 20:
Your past actions will haunt you no more,
My love will restore and life will adore.
Verse 21:
I’ll take you back, my bride, so dear,
An everlasting covenant, you’ll always be near.
Verse 22:
Mountains and fields, all creation, take heed,
I’ll make a comeback, you’ll see, indeed.
Verse 23:
Nations will know that I’m the real deal,
As I show them my name, their hearts I will heal.
Verse 24:
I’ll gather my people from every land,
Show them mercy, with love, hand in hand.
Verse 25:
I’ll cleanse you with water, a spiritual bath,
A fresh new beginning, wiping away the past.
Verse 26:
I’ll give you a new spirit, pure to the core,
A heart filled with love, rockin’ to your core.
Verse 27:
My laws you’ll abide, my commands you will keep,
Your faithfulness to me, never gonna sleep.
Verse 28:
You’ll live in the land I promised to give,
Protected and cherished, for as long as you live.
Verse 29:
I’ll bless you greatly, a blessing so grand,
Giving you more crops than your fields can withstand.
Verse 30:
You’ll look around, see your abundant nation,
No more humiliation, just pure jubilation.
Verse 31:
You’ll remember the past, the terrible strife,
Now living my abundant, eternal life.
Verse 32:
No more shame on your name, no longer you’ll roam,
You’ll be my people, and I’ll be your home.
Verse 33:
The land will blossom, like Eden it’ll show,
Blessings so many, an overflow.
Verse 34:
The land will be tamed, deserts will rejoice,
Birds singing, wildlife thriving, even raising their voice.
Verse 35:
Cities will flourish and fields will be blessed,
Behold the beauty, God’s love is the best.
Verse 36:
People from far and wide, they’ll flock to this place,
To witness my grace and embrace my embrace.
Verse 37:
Multiply, oh family, like never before,
My people, rejoice, this is what I’ve in store.
Verse 38:
The land will be populated, your enemies dismayed,
For it is I, your God, who won’t be swayed.

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