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“Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.”
– John 6:35

“Breaking news: John 6:35 – Jesus declares, ‘I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.’ In a profound statement, Jesus claims to be the ultimate source of spiritual nourishment. This revelation has stirred controversy and drawn crowds seeking the true meaning of his words.”

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interview with the author of John 6:35

Interviewer: “So, can you tell us about the inspiration behind John 6:35?”

Author: “Certainly. In John 6:35, I wanted to convey the message of Jesus as the source of eternal sustenance for believers. I was inspired by Jesus’s words to the crowds, where he proclaimed, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’ This verse speaks to the spiritual nourishment and fulfillment that can only be found in a relationship with Jesus.”

information about the author of John 6:35

From an evangelical Christian perspective, the most likely author of “John 6:35” is the Apostle John, also known as John the Beloved. The Gospel of John is traditionally attributed to him, and evangelical Christians believe that he was a close disciple of Jesus and an eyewitness to his ministry, crucifixion, and resurrection.

John is often depicted as the disciple whom Jesus loved and is described as being present at key events in Jesus’ life, such as the Last Supper and the crucifixion. Evangelical Christians hold the Gospel of John in high regard for its theological depth and emphasis on the deity of Jesus Christ.

In John 6:35, Jesus declares, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” This verse is seen as a powerful statement of Jesus’ identity as the source of spiritual nourishment and eternal life, and it reflects the evangelical belief in the centrality of Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. Evangelical Christians view the Gospel of John, including this verse, as a foundational text for understanding the person and mission of Jesus.


Breaking News ### Hebrews 11:1 ###

Breaking news: Hebrews 11:1
“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” This powerful verse from the Bible highlights the importance of unwavering faith in our beliefs and dreams. Stay tuned for more updates on this inspiring message of faith and hope.

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Breaking News ### Psalm 119:60 ###

In a stunning development, Psalm 119:60 declares, “I hastened and did not delay to keep your commandments.” The urgency and determination of this proclamation are causing a ripple effect throughout the community, with individuals reevaluating their commitment to following divine instructions without hesitation. Stay tuned for more updates on this breaking news story.

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Breaking News ### Psalm 112:5 ###

Breaking News: Psalm 112:5 – “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.” This powerful verse from the Bible reminds us of the importance of generosity and fairness in our actions. Stay tuned for more updates on this inspiring message of hope and righteousness.

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Breaking News ### Matthew 19:14 ###

Breaking News: In Matthew 19:14, Jesus said “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” This message highlights the importance of caring for and valuing the innocence and purity of children as they hold a special place in the eyes of God.

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