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“Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”
– John 3:20-21

**Breaking News:** Reports indicate that individuals shunning the truth are hiding from the light, fearing exposure of their evil deeds. In contrast, those embracing truth take bold steps into the light, demonstrating their actions are aligned with divine intentions. This developing story reveals a stark choice between darkness and the illuminating power of truth. More to follow.

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interview with the author of John 3:20-21

**Interviewer**: Thank you for joining us today. Your work, particularly in the Gospel of John, has had a profound impact on many readers. Can you share what you meant in John 3:20-21?

**Author**: Absolutely, I’m glad to be here. In those verses, I highlight a fundamental truth about human nature. I wrote, “For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed.” What I meant is that many people are drawn to darkness because they want to hide their actions.

**Interviewer**: That’s quite insightful. So, you’re saying that the ‘light’ represents truth and moral integrity?

**Author**: Precisely. The light symbolizes not just truth, but also the presence of God and the light of Christ. When people engage in wrongdoing, they instinctively avoid what is true and righteous because they fear exposure.

**Interviewer**: And your next verse, “But whoever does what is true comes to the light, so that it may be clearly seen that his works have been carried out in God,” seems to convey a different message. Could you explain that?

**Author**: Yes, it contrasts sharply with the previous verse. Here, I want to emphasize that those who pursue righteousness and seek to live in alignment with God’s will are not afraid to come into the light. They welcome scrutiny because their actions reflect their faith and are inspired by God. It underlines the idea that truth has nothing to fear, and those living in truth can openly express their lives and work, knowing they are supported by divine purpose.

**Interviewer**: So, in essence, you’re describing a choice between living in darkness and embracing the light?

**Author**: Exactly. It’s about revealing one’s life for what it truly is—an invitation to authenticity and a relationship with God. Everyone has the choice, and those who choose to live rightly have the courage to step into the light.

**Interviewer**: Thank you for that enlightening explanation. It’s a powerful message that speaks to the heart of human experience and moral choice.

**Author**: Thank you for having me. It’s vital we understand the importance of light in fostering truth and connection with the divine.

information about the author of John 3:20-21

John 3:20-21 is part of the Gospel of John in the New Testament, which is traditionally attributed to the Apostle John, one of Jesus’ twelve disciples. From an evangelical Christian perspective, John’s authorship of this Gospel is widely accepted, and he is often referred to as “the Beloved Disciple.”

Here are some key points about the Apostle John and his authorship from an evangelical viewpoint:

1. **Background**: John was the son of Zebedee and the brother of James. He was a fisherman by trade before being called by Jesus to become a disciple. He is known for his close relationship with Jesus, often described as the disciple whom Jesus loved.

2. **The Gospel of John**: The Gospel is distinct from the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) in its style, content, and theological emphasis. It contains unique accounts of events in Jesus’ life and profound theological insights about His divinity and humanity.

3. **Themes in John**: John’s writings emphasize the importance of belief in Jesus as the Son of God, the necessity of salvation, and the theme of light versus darkness. John 3:20-21 specifically addresses the idea that people may avoid the truth because they prefer their actions to remain hidden.

4. **Historical Context**: The Gospel is believed to have been written in the late first century, possibly between AD 90 and 100. This period was marked by the early church’s struggles with Gnosticism and other teachings that departed from the apostolic faith.

5. **John’s Later Life**: According to tradition, John lived a long life, eventually settling in Ephesus where he continued to lead and teach within the early Christian community. He is often associated with writing the Book of Revelation and the three epistles of John later in the New Testament.

6. **Theological Significance**: Evangelicals regard John’s writings, including 1 John 3:20-21, as foundational texts for understanding the nature of God, the person and work of Christ, and the call to live in the light of His truth.

In summary, from an evangelical perspective, the Apostle John is viewed as a key figure in early Christianity whose writings, including John 3:20-21, provide deep insight into the nature of belief, the character of God, and the moral imperatives of living as a follower of Christ.


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