Question: What is Kolob? (LDS / Mormon)
Kolob is a star or planet mentioned in Mormon scripture, believed to be the residence of God.
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Kolob is a star or planet mentioned in Mormon scripture, believed to be the residence of God.
Sacred underclothing worn by faithful adult members of the LDS Church as a reminder of covenants made with God.
No, not everyone goes to heaven according to LDS beliefs.
No, drinking caffeine is not considered a sin in the LDS faith.
No, suicide is not an unforgivable sin in LDS/Mormon theology.
Well, according to the teachings of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, individuals can potentially become like God, but it is not taught that they will have their own planet.
Michael the Archangel is a figure mentioned in the Bible and a central figure in Latter-day Saint beliefs.
A fallen angel who rebelled against God and now opposes His plan.
No, true salvation cannot be lost.