The Animated Character Beavis Gives a Summary of Haggai
So, like, there was this dude named Haggai who had this message from God. He was all, “Yo, people of Judah! What are you doing
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So, like, there was this dude named Haggai who had this message from God. He was all, “Yo, people of Judah! What are you doing
I am a prophet, yet I’m not one of the major ones. I spoke of rebuilding the house of the Lord, not just for funs.
Well, hello there, my feline friends! Today, I’ve been asked to share the story of the Bible book of Haggai through my eyes. As you
As I scanned through the pages of the Bible book of Haggai, I couldn’t help but sense a feeling of despair and uncertainty that was